Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Slow Rebuild/Restructure

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hey guys! Salam 'Alayk!

So as you can see, I've changed my blog address, and my blog title. Before it was 'dalammindaseorangremaja' for both but I think now things have changed and I myself have changed (and no longer a teenager hah so old), so I decided to change things a little bit, and will continue to do bits by bits in the future.

Hence the title Slow Rebuild/Restructure, because I'm going to change things for this dusty pinky blog. *ugh so pink!  

Just got some ideas and few things for this blog from another famous blogs, which I can never compare with. But why not I start now for a serious blogging? *ANOTHER BLUFF ALERT!

And... As you can see, I didn't post any Arabic posts, or essays as promised before. I believed it's 5 weeks already since the 'promised post'? IT'S NOT INTENTIONAL SERIOUSLY!

I had (and have) so many works to do, and I did like 3-4 arabic assignments so I was like 'this would cover my promised-blog-post and its in pages!' therefore I didn't do my essays because of that and restricted time.

Now? OH BIG NO! I so many hafazan to do, a presentation this Friday, notes, and studies for the upcoming exams, it's crazy! (hence my blog title 'Of Self and Crazy Life). Because I'm just good at doing crazy things. *sigh

I'll try my best to update as frequent as I eat , and wish me luck for my crazy attitude and upcoming exams (and hafazan and presentations and notes and crazy life)

Till next time,

Sunday, November 6, 2016

My current issues.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Currently I’m in the mid of semester 1 session 2016/2017 IIUM, and am struggling to finish my assignments and presentations that dues are just around the corner. Not to mention I have to prepare for incoming midterms this week.

I have a lot to say. Let’s try to sort it one by one.

Firstly, I am SO BAD at time management. This is not new. I knew this since I was 12 years old, while remembering how my sister would finish exercise books bought by my mom, I would struggle on finishing a topic. Could be I’m just an easily distracted person, or I’m just lacking self-trained sessions to be focus on a task.

This semester I aimed to get 4 flat. So I’m gonna try my best, get rid of my bad habits (movies, dramas, kpop and blabla), be active, and most importantly stop procrastinating. And I learnt my lesson from last semester’s final exam, I’m determined on making notes for every subjects before study week come. To make it short, every time I made my study session, be it a 30 minutes or 60 minutes session, I could only write notes for a page. A PAGE! THAT IS SO FRUSTRATING O’ ALLAH!!!!

Then I have a halaqah session every Tuesday that I actually promised to come to the leader, there this one where we discussed on how the ulama’ before managed to finish Quran, 4 TIMES A DAY! That is.. Beyond my capability! Beyond everyone’s capability! So after discussing for a time, we accepted that maybe Allah has given them the chance to do so, has given them the barakah, the blessing they got in their time. –AND THAT'S WHAT GOT ME!

I haven’t really thought on why I never get enough time to finish my work, to complete at least 2 tasks in one time. What I thought was: oh maybe the world are really going to be over, the time is getting short and 24 hrs are probably 12 hrs. HAH! Funny me. So I told myself to ask from Allah to give my sufficient time, to bless me and the time given, and to ease my works incoming. Ameen.

Second, actually I was just taking a break from doing my assignment; a report on my Introduction to Fiqh class, which is in arabic. And for those who doesn’t know me, arabic is my supreme weakness.
If anything is stopping me from being more and more diligent and a straight A’s student, its the arabic subjects. Why I say so? Because all my arabic subjects in foundation I got Bs. The rest I successfully got As. Back to my assignment, so as I was doing this assignment (I thought its going to be easy.. Like, who else got this kind of assignment from generous lecturers???), THIS IS SO FREAKING HARD! Almost all, I repeat ALL arab vocabs are gone from my thick-skull head. I had to search/ google for every words translation, then structure and restructure my sentence, getting confused over my grammar and my sentences are, I swear it’s the most confusing sentences ever. So, I just had to stop. (I only did a paragraph and 2 lines btw).

There are no other reasons why this is happening; me, lacking reading, writing, and talking in arabic. In other word, I just lack practise.

Options I have to improve: 
1) Keep on reading (and open dictionary! *my bad habit is read, and assume the meaning of difficult words because I’m just too lazy to open another thick book)
2) Search for arabic news, articles and such. Like al-Jazeera. And read. And dictionary.
3) Look for arabic songs, I did this once, but me being me, I still like english and kpop songs better. (REALLY?!)
4) Practise on writing. Ok I think this one will be my choice. I’m just gonna have to find a topic, a very simple topic and write about it. And to prove so, maybe I should post my articles/writings in my blog? (at least I can practise typing in arabic letters, because I don’t put stickers like everyone else).

Ok. It is decided. I’ll push myself to write in arabic, post it on this blog, at least twice a week!. YEAY! ?? *for those who know me in IIUM and read this, please ask and question me about my articles so I won’t avoid this and procrastinate.

There. 2 issues of my current student life. I still have lots more, but this is already too long. I’m afraid you guys’d be super bored reading my miserable life. Ha.Ha.
When I get the time, I’ll write more. Hope I’ll be more productive, as productive as ever!

Buhbye, may Allah bless you guys!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Adab Melayu dan adab berilmiah?

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
As-salam 'alaik.

Selalu terfikir, adakah perlu meletakkan basmalah pada setiap entri blog? Atau sekadar adab? Atau sekadar lagak orang yang berilmu?
Sudah tentuk tak. Ia merupakan sunnah untuk kita memulakan setiap perkara dengan basmalah, dengan harapan Allah swt meredhai setiap perbuatan dan kata-kata kita insyaAllah.

Dah lama berada di fikiran. Bangsa Melayu, merupakan bangsa yang sungguh terkenal dengan kayanya adab dan budi. Tak percaya? Bila kalian menunaikan umrah atau haji nanti *insyaAllah lihatlah, ramai yang menyatakan bangsa Melayu bangsa yang paling lembut, dan santun.

Tapi hakikatnya, Melayu ini terlebih adab dari intelek dan integriti. Dalam erti kata lain, beradab tak bertempat.

Kenapa saya berkata begitu? Lihatlah di sekililing. Di stesen LRT, di pusat membeli-belah, di tepi jalanan, atau tak perlu susah, lihat saja di tempat kerja atau belajar. Adab? Terlihatkah adab di situ? Terlihatkan nilai-nilai kebudian Islam di situ? Melayu yang selalu sinonim dengan kalimah Islam di nusantara ini?

Saya hanya gelak sinis.

Kalau benarlah Melayu ini sungguh beradab, mengapa masih ada yang membiarkan saja sampah di tepi jalanan? Mengapa masih ada yang tak memberi tempat duduk untuk warga tua dan yang tak berkemampuan di tempat awam? Mengapa masih ada yang tak mengikut etika berpakaian yang sopan? Mengapa masih ramai yang bebas bergaul lelaki dan perempuan, bergesel menggedik di khalayak? Mengapa masih ada sungguh sukar untuk mengukir senyuman?

Bukankah itu semua adab? Tak perlu senaraikan semua, hakikatnya memang Melayu ini adab tak bertempat.

Mana adabnya Melayu sekarang?

Pada pemerhatian saya, adab Melayu ada pada umur, pangkat, darjat, kekayaan dan perkara-perkara yang sungguh materialistik.
Orang yang muda sentiasa salah, orang tua sentiasa betul; jika yang muda cuba membetulkan yang tua, tak kisahlah fakta atau tingkah laku atau apa saja, yang tua pasti akan tepis sahaja pembetulan yang muda, hanya kerana dia lagi muda.

Begitu juga dengan pangkat dan lain-lain. Seolah-olah orang yang lebih rendah tiada hak langsung untuk bersuara atau didengar pendapatnya.

Seolah-olah yang muda ini sentiasa jahil, sentiasa tak berpengalaman, sentiasa kurang ilmu, sentiasa tiada kelebihan dari yang tua. Hanya sebab umur yang muda.

Sedangkan tahap intelek seseorang atau pengetahuan seseorang bukanlah berdasarkan umur, ataupun pangkat. Apa yang menentukan intelek dan pengetahuan seseorang hanyalah bahan bacaannya, diskusi-diskusi ataupun apa saja usahanya untuk menimba ilmu. Amatlah tidak adil jika diukur dasar kecerdikan seseorang hanya berdasarkan tahun hidupnya.

Sedangkan Imam Syafie juga pernah tidak sependapat dengan gurunya Imam Malik. Tapi beliau menyatakannya dengan penuh ilmiah dan hikmah, budaya orang timur tengah untuk menyuarakan pendapat adalah dengan menulis sebuah buku. Mereka tidak bergaduh bermasam-muka dan menjadi tidak sekutu, malah mereka berbincang, berdiskusi atau berdebat untuk menyuarakan pendapat masing-masing dengan hujah-hujah yang ada.

Tetapi di Malaysia, kerana terlalu ikutkan peribahasa "lebih makan garam", budaya perbincangan ilmiah terhapus begitu sahaja. Malah mungkin tak pernah wujud dan berkembang sejak azali lagi.

Bagaimana Malaysia hendak maju? Bagaimana Melayu nak maju kalau dihentikan, ditutup, dipotong segal setiap buah fikiran orang-orang muda? Katanya orng mudalah bakal pemimpin negara, bakal peneraju negara, tapi bagaimana hendak diasah dididik anak muda untuk memimpin, untuk berkembang, untuk maju, untuk berwawasan kalau idea-idea mereka disekat, malah diantagoniskan?

Seluruh negara tahu, menjadi norma untuk kerajaan menyekat sebarang diskusi ilmiah atau ceramah yang melibatkan sebarang individual yang cuba menegur kesalahan pihak kerajaan di IPTA. Malah ada yang melibatkan tokoh debat muda dari UIAM yang sudah terkenal dengan perbincangan ilmiahnya dan kecerdikannya dalam berkata-kata.

Entahlah. Bagi saya semua ini bermula dengan adab tidak bertempat.

Malay saya sendiri pun sukar untuk menyatakan pendapat saya apabila berbincang tajuk-tajuk panas dengan saudara-mara, hanya kerana saya masih muda. Mentah katanya.

Malaysia tak akan berubah, selagi tidak digalakkan pemikiran dan perbincangan begini di kalangan anak muda.

Salam dari In A Mind Of A Teenager, yang serabut fikir Melayu yang lembab. (walaupun saya sendiri lembab).

*p/sBahasa Melayu penuh!
*p/s/s BahasaMelayu masih kukuh di jiwa
*p/s/s/s MasyaAllah sisterr

Saturday, February 20, 2016

New environment

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Phew. It seems like I still remember arabic keyboard alhamdulillah. I haven't typing in Arabic for months, and my keyboard don't stickers with arabic letters. Alhamdulillah for my memory.

Just some update. Recently I just got into degree life alhamdulillah in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) majoring Usuludding and Comparative Religion. Before, I was just a foundation student at Petaling Jaya and now with this kind of 'upgrade', I can say I had a bit of shock.

Or culture shock. But I survived. 

A university's system is so much different compared to school's system or foundation studies' system. A lot of things I had to learn all by myself, which I thought I would never have to go through this again, and a lot of things that I am still trying to manage, to squeeze out of the situation and problem  (which includes methods of study).

I still need to improve on my Arabic skills, for I have problems concentrating and understanding lectures in Arabic. And I am super need to improve my concentration. I have such a short attention span. 

Maybe, in the future, I could try writing what I understand or what I learn in this blog. And it will help me spread the knowledge too!

But I can't promise. I will have to go with the flow. or step on the gas paddle. Accelerate my life!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


The traffic flows non-stop
From the red light till the green
From early morning till late night
Where people with white dress and black suit
With briefcase on the left phone on the right
The city never seem to stop for breathe
But the air seems too thick to swim in

What people are after to
Looks endless till infinity
Where people go to
Does not fix and changes
Places after places
Searching for life they want
After houses cars money
Too restless
Too hectic

We see handshakes and hugs
Hellos and goodbyes
Wishes and kisses
That are used to cover up whats inside
To mask the hypocrisy
To buy the trust 
Could be at the lowest price
When the value is priceless

The looks we have outside
Are opposite with the inside
If we could portray our truly hearts
People might not look at us
People might make distance from us
As hideous and gruesome it is
Ghastly the child might cry
Like rain would fall from sky
