Monday, November 26, 2018

Pride & Prejudice (2005 movie)

Salam 'alayk and heyya guys!

Today, I am gonna rant on my favourite classic movie; Pride & Prejudice (2005)!

I haven't read the novel, but I just got my hand on the its sister novel, Emma. Either way, I keep falling and falling in love with this movie!

First, it is undeniable that I have a thing with British movies/shows. It's just that there's this aura, the British air that intrigue me so much, like they have so much elegance and their manners in conversing.. is just my type.

ESPECIALLY if it's set in the 15th or 16th century, or anywhere near their enlightenment era. It is just so cool! Plus, one thing I really like about British shows is that they often use sarcasm or joke in a serious way, in which that not all people can detect it. You get what I mean? It's like they have their own way in using sarcasm, that in first sight it doesn't look rude and just their usual elegance way of talking. LOL at me.

Anyway, back to Pride & Prejudice. This is my biggest romance movie ever! The romance is just subtle, it doesn't have that over the top cringy scenes, non of that PDA or excessive skinship, I can say that it is even appropriate for the underage kids.

Both Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett literally depict the title; pride and prejudice. Mr. Darcy is the person with pride, and Lizzy (Elizabeth) is the one with prejudice towards Mr. Darcy. And both of these pride and prejudice are what stopping them finding their romance in each other at the first place.

My favourite character for this movie is obviously Elizabeth Bennett. She is just so sensible? Like in that era, all girls were all about guys, getting married and such (at least that's what I see from the movie). It was a big deal for them on what age they got married. For example, Lizzy's bestfriend, Charlotte got married at the age of 27, and that was already considered as the late age, everyone else was looking down on her (well except Lizzy. She doted on her). But Lizzy, Lizzy is an avid reader.

Charlotte and Lizzy

Lizzy read a lot of books. Even the intro was on Lizzy walking back home while reading a book. Therefore, that makes her a lot more sensible, more knowledgeable than her sisters. In fact, she was the one who cared the most for her sisters, even more than her parents.

When her older sister Jane became sick at the Bingley's, Lizzy was the most concerned about her, and her parents couldn't care less. Lizzy walked from her house to the Bingley's (I forgot the name of the mansion), that her dress hem was soaked in mud. On other part, Lizzy tried to persuade her father to stop her youngest sister Lydia from marrying Mr. Wickham, because she knows Mr. Wickham was not an honest person.

The Bennet Sisters

Other than that, Lizzy is also her father's favourite, due to her quickness and intelligence in comparison to her sisters. Mrs Bennet was not really favoring her because she's not as pretty as Jane or as 'humorous' as Lydia, but I can say Elizabeth is the most interesting and pretty out of all her sisters.

Aaannd, Elizabeth Bennet was portrayed by Keira Knightley and she was sooooo prettyy in that movie! I. Am. So. In. Love!

Knightley looked so natural, she was not like the top shining bright beauty, but she is beautiful in her own way. I really love her smiles in the movie. How can Mr. Darcy not fall in love with her!

So... yeah. I'm done rambling on Pride and Prejudice, and Lizzy. But only on this blog. I could ramble on this movie on and on for hours, days!

So if any of you guys haven't watch the movie, or read the book, go do it now! I'm sure aside from the slow romance plot line, we can learn a lot on English language and British society in the 19th century (the time setting for Pride & Prejudice).

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Women and their hormonal ride

Salam 'alayk and heyya guys!

We all know that generally women would have to go that period of time once a month right? And not everyone (even females) have the idea how torturing and frustrating it is, going through that time.

I, originally was never the type that had to go through painful cramps and terrible mood swings. Mine was always the cool and relax one, I could still have fun and all, to the one point I started questioned why would girls in schools skip school days whenever they entered that phase?

My, my, I regret questioning that.

IT IS PAINFUL! Once while I was walking back from class to my room, I had to stop at the sports center just to sit and crouch. I was sweating. It was like only 2 minutes walking distance to my room, yet I had to stop, because it was excruciating.

On emotional part, so far alhamdulillah I never had that emotional outburst or that sudden temper. But usually I do get easily irritated and annoyed days before. Feels like there's fire in me (I can be superwoman yeah).

But yesterday. Yesterday, I felt like crying out of nowhere. Someone asked my opinion and I felt a tug at my heart. I wanted to study but I couldn't, I was feeling melancholic. But I couldn't cry! That's the thing, and it's double frustrating.

There's this thread on twitter, on women sharing their emotional rides during that time of the month. What they had to go through was much more terrible! Like, she get to eat a good cookie then she outburst in tears? Thank God I am not like that.

Yet, not everyone knows how we feel, what we're going through. They don't know what our biological system in our bodies do to us. They don't understand the feelings we have to go through. They don't get our emotional rides.

May Allah gives people surrounding women a deep understanding on us. May Allah gives us women a huge strength going through our days. Ameen.

Monday, November 19, 2018

My verdict on Bible for muslim schoolkids

Salam 'alayk and good evening.

So around last two weeks, there was a news on Bible being distributed to secondary schoolkids right in front of the school gates. I don't know what's the current update of the case, but there's been quite a lot of 'discussions' and arguments on twitter on whether should Bible be given to schoolkids (Muslim) or not.

*Please note that "schoolkids" onward means muslim schoolkids.
*This article/post is meant for Muslims, therefore 'we', 'our', are referred to the Muslims. However people of other beliefs are welcome to read.


I believe that schoolkids shouldn't be given Bible, or any other religious scriptures. For reasons:

  1. Current school's religious curriculum doesn't include on how to 'understand' and 'read' other religions. 
Last time I check, kids were only taught at school on respecting other religions and their religious rights as per Islam teaches. But there is not subject, or topics discussed with the kids, or at least guide the kids on how to learn other religions, what are the basic knowledge needed to do that, the skills, and so on. 

If the kids were allowed to 'study' other religious scriptures, high chances are they might get confused with that religions' doctrines/principles/stories with Islam's.

       2. Schoolkids are still learning and in the process of building their basic belief in Islam (aqidah)

The 3 sifat of Allah (uluhiyyah, rububiyyah, asma' wa sifat), the 99 names of Allah, the creation of Adam and the world, stories of the prophets (pbut) and moral values from Quran. The affirmation on the Oneness of God, that God was not begetteth (created) and God does not begotten (beget a son).

Meanwhile in Christianity there's this Oneness of God, but in Trinity. How are the schoolkids supposed to understand this? Particularly when the Bible propagates this belief in so many different sentences and forms? They might interchanged the meaning of Oneness in Islam with oneness in Christianity.

       3. Lack of guidance in understanding the other religions and in comparing that religion with Islam

Just like how we were taught to learn different cultures, the meanings behind the cultural activities, what makes our culture different with the other cultures, we (especially the kids) also need teachers to learn about other religions. 

Say the schoolkids found out about the Gods in Hinduism and stories of the gods, and they found it so alien upon hearing the stories, how would they understand the essence of the stories and the importance of it in Hinduism? They might just disregard the stories as mythical and not-important.

Plus, learning about religions other than Islam for schoolkids can cause confusion for them. For example, even though Prophet Adam and Eve in Islam is the same as Adam and Eve in Christianity, the storyline and the points shown in Islam are contradictory with that of Christianity.

Who would be responsible for the kids confusion on beliefs in Islam and knowledge on other religions?

These 3 main points meant to show my argument on why Bible shouldn't be given to schoolkids. Unless there are knowledgable adults to guide them, I don't find it necessary for the underage kids to actually READ the other religious scriptures.

However, this doesn't mean that I'm against the culture of learning and respecting other religions. We live in a multicultural and multi religious society, so we're encouraged to learn religious practices like Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Deepavali. 

Religious harmony is important, but put protecting the right beliefs as our top priority.

This is purely my opinions, I am open to civilized discussion, with agree-to-disagree policy (as it involves opinions).

1. Cops to interview students, principal over Bible distribution case: Mujahid

2. My brains.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Efforts that count

Salam 'alayk and heyya guys!

It's currently midnight, and been cool and rainy today.

I always thought it'd be most opportune that I'm having this break (mid-break), that I can finish reading a book or two.

but... it ends just as it is. A thought.

I didn't bring my currently-reading books with me back to hometown, but I do have other books in waiting here. The currently-reading books are 300 pages the least, and all of them are non-fictions. I should've bring one home, so I can continue and finish it. But I didn't. Which means I'd have to pick another new fresh book to read this break (because I want to improve my habit of reading non-fiction books).

However, knowing how I'm in such a slump this week, not in a spirit or so, reading a new book would only increase my currently-reading books list which is not a good thing to me. I can't multi-read. I'd feel miserable and stuffy with it.

Looking through the book stacks (mini bookshelf), I found a 46-pages book I got during a convention I attended at UIA, which is oh-so-perfect for a 5-minutes reading before sleep.

It's a really simple book, about the loving aspect of the Prophet pbuh throughout his life. Finished reading this on the 4th night.

At least there's something I've gained through this read. At least there's something I've accomplished this break, however simple it is.

Anyway, I don't want to break this streak of reading a non-fiction book, so after this I'll just continue by reading a book pdf in my phone (even though it's no fun).

I've downloaded an app for habit tracking called Habits. I'm using this on andoid, I'm not sure if it's available for ios. I got inspired to use an app to evolve my habit through ThomasFrank Youtube video: 21 Apps that FORCE You To Be More Productive. I always watched his videos, whichever I feel related, and the latest was this one. But the app recommended was Stride, but it's not available for android, so I opt for Habits, which is pretty good too.

So one of the habits that I listed in Habits is to read 3 pages of non-fiction book daily. I put 3 pages because I also want to read 3 pages of Arabic book daily, solely to improve my language skill.

So hopefully I'll continue to istiqamah, and managed to get a treak of 30 days!

Chayyok Kemy!