Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Women and their hormonal ride

Salam 'alayk and heyya guys!

We all know that generally women would have to go that period of time once a month right? And not everyone (even females) have the idea how torturing and frustrating it is, going through that time.

I, originally was never the type that had to go through painful cramps and terrible mood swings. Mine was always the cool and relax one, I could still have fun and all, to the one point I started questioned why would girls in schools skip school days whenever they entered that phase?

My, my, I regret questioning that.

IT IS PAINFUL! Once while I was walking back from class to my room, I had to stop at the sports center just to sit and crouch. I was sweating. It was like only 2 minutes walking distance to my room, yet I had to stop, because it was excruciating.

On emotional part, so far alhamdulillah I never had that emotional outburst or that sudden temper. But usually I do get easily irritated and annoyed days before. Feels like there's fire in me (I can be superwoman yeah).

But yesterday. Yesterday, I felt like crying out of nowhere. Someone asked my opinion and I felt a tug at my heart. I wanted to study but I couldn't, I was feeling melancholic. But I couldn't cry! That's the thing, and it's double frustrating.

There's this thread on twitter, on women sharing their emotional rides during that time of the month. What they had to go through was much more terrible! Like, she get to eat a good cookie then she outburst in tears? Thank God I am not like that.

Yet, not everyone knows how we feel, what we're going through. They don't know what our biological system in our bodies do to us. They don't understand the feelings we have to go through. They don't get our emotional rides.

May Allah gives people surrounding women a deep understanding on us. May Allah gives us women a huge strength going through our days. Ameen.

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