Saturday, November 3, 2018

Efforts that count

Salam 'alayk and heyya guys!

It's currently midnight, and been cool and rainy today.

I always thought it'd be most opportune that I'm having this break (mid-break), that I can finish reading a book or two.

but... it ends just as it is. A thought.

I didn't bring my currently-reading books with me back to hometown, but I do have other books in waiting here. The currently-reading books are 300 pages the least, and all of them are non-fictions. I should've bring one home, so I can continue and finish it. But I didn't. Which means I'd have to pick another new fresh book to read this break (because I want to improve my habit of reading non-fiction books).

However, knowing how I'm in such a slump this week, not in a spirit or so, reading a new book would only increase my currently-reading books list which is not a good thing to me. I can't multi-read. I'd feel miserable and stuffy with it.

Looking through the book stacks (mini bookshelf), I found a 46-pages book I got during a convention I attended at UIA, which is oh-so-perfect for a 5-minutes reading before sleep.

It's a really simple book, about the loving aspect of the Prophet pbuh throughout his life. Finished reading this on the 4th night.

At least there's something I've gained through this read. At least there's something I've accomplished this break, however simple it is.

Anyway, I don't want to break this streak of reading a non-fiction book, so after this I'll just continue by reading a book pdf in my phone (even though it's no fun).

I've downloaded an app for habit tracking called Habits. I'm using this on andoid, I'm not sure if it's available for ios. I got inspired to use an app to evolve my habit through ThomasFrank Youtube video: 21 Apps that FORCE You To Be More Productive. I always watched his videos, whichever I feel related, and the latest was this one. But the app recommended was Stride, but it's not available for android, so I opt for Habits, which is pretty good too.

So one of the habits that I listed in Habits is to read 3 pages of non-fiction book daily. I put 3 pages because I also want to read 3 pages of Arabic book daily, solely to improve my language skill.

So hopefully I'll continue to istiqamah, and managed to get a treak of 30 days!

Chayyok Kemy!

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