Saturday, May 19, 2012

troublesssss ~times 10 to the power of a million~

assalamualaikum. :)

lately, erh. hm. kemy rasa macam.. ntah. rasa tak tenang . its like, something is troubling me,,, or haunting me? ok weird

kadang-kadang kan,
trouble tu bukan datang dalam bentuk fizikal, atau berpunca dari seseorang atau perbuatan.
kadang-kadang, masalah tu datang dari kita sendiri.

orang lain tak perasan masalah kita, tapi kita yang tak selesa dengan keadaan tu.

and i have no idea how to overcome it.


hm. kalau masalah berkaitan dengan seseorang, perselisihan faham or apa2 y sejenis dengannya, kemy pendam je. kemy tak biasa bagi tahu orang lain, err kecuali org tu mmg tahu huhu. even dalam diari or apa-apa pun kemy tak tulis. kalau tulis tu that is so not me.

kemy tak suka cakap or tulis pasal masalah tu. sebab, bagi kemy kalau buat macam tu kita cuma memanjangkan tempoh masalah tu, unless kita bagitahu seseorang dgn sbb nk mintak opinion.

plus, masalah selalu berkait dengan dendam, oh kemy tak faham dengan orang berdendam ni. walaupun perkara simple. best ke dendam? erh?rasa sakit hati n menyenakkan adalah.

kadang-kadang dendam ni mcm immature attitude. kita tak dapat apa-apa pun sbg benefit, berdendam cuma akan buat kita berfikiran negative. oh i just dont like pessimistic man. how annoying.

biasanya kalau kemy, kemy akan cuba usaha untuk lupakan masalah tu, tu pun kalau masalah tu cuma kemy je yang prasan or care or melibatkan kemy seorang. kalau masalah tu melibatkan orang lain, kemy takkan fikir masalah tu macam orang gila sampai boleh naik darah tinggi camtu.
kalau masalah jenis macam tu kemy akan cuba sepositive yang boleh, cuba hadapi masalah tu dengan tenang.

i dont know.

agaknya ada orang fikir kemy ni jenis happy-go-lucky .. tapi, kemy rasa kemy ni jenis tipikal, sebab tak ada orang tahu the real me.

thats all. muhasabah diri, assalamualaikum :D

Saturday, May 5, 2012

not everything

assalamualaikum and good what-ever-you-are-doing!

well, it has been such a long time since i've updated this unlucky blog. hisy


actually i have nothing to say. but yeah. i cant let this blog mereput all by 'him'self.

these days, i keep on thinking, how do people know me? no, not that how they know me. its like, what do i look, or how do i look in their mind.

do i look like a playful and naughty? or just some kind of  troublesome girl? or maybe a hard-to-approach or whatsoever?

because, i want to know how do i seem to be in front of their eyes *okay i think i got my grammar wrong here nvm*

i think, there's actually no one who really really understand me, who know me from the heart, who know how do i think, how i talk to myself.

because i keep keeping things to myself. well im not the type that will tell everyone or some certain person or write it down in my diary about what my heart says.

yeah, i do have a diary. suprising is it? but i dont update it like frequently. huhhh..
i tend to get easily bored to let my heart out.

sometimes, i thought that i was/am a hypocrite girl, a girl who live under a fake mask, a girl who not being herself.

im confused with myself.

err.. it is confusing, is it?

i think thats all..
just i want to point out here, there's no one know how i've been through in my life, maybe i was happy, maybe i'va gone through a hell of world.
its that, my true, real diary or story of my heart is, my heart. not a person, or papers, books or even this blog.

assalamualaikum pals.