Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bahasa Melayu VS Bahasa Inggeris

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera

Saya ada teringat, beberapa hari sebelum/sedang peperiksaan SPM, saya ada baca satu surat diterbitkan New Straits Times. Dalam surat itu penulis mencadangkan supaya di Legoland Bahasa Melayu dijadikan sebagai bahasa yang digunakan atau bahasa perantaraan.

Beliau berkata sepatutnya di Legoland digunakan Bahasa Melayu sebab Malaysia pun dalam proses untuk memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu dan menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dalam pelbagai bidang.
Masa saya baca surat itu, saya terfikir juga kebenaran kata-kata penulis tu. Sebab Legoland merupakan antara pusat pelancongan yang semakin meningkat namanya, jadi kenapa kita tak guna saja Bahasa Melayu? Secara tak langsung kita boleh mempromosikan dan membudayakan Bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan para peloncong.

Keesokan harinya, dalam akhbar yang sama, ada satu surat membalas usul surat yang sebelumnya. Ringkas sahaja kata-katanya. Beliau menyatakan sebenarnya di Malaysia kita masih tidak boleh membuat Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa perantaraan, tetapi tidak untuk Bahasa Inggeris. Di Legoland, hanya Bahasa Inggeris digunakan kerana majoriti pengunjungnya lebih memahami Bahasa Inggeris berbanding Bahasa Melayu.

Tambah beliau, penggunaan Bahasa Melayu tidak boleh diperluaskan selagi penggunanya sendiri ( penduduk Malaysia) tidak menggunakan dengan betul. Bahasa Inggeris boleh diperluaskan dan dijadikan sebagai bahasa antarabangsa kerana tiada perubahan yang dilakukan oleh pengguna ibundanya sendiri (native user). Sedangkan di Malaysia, berapa banyak slang atau istilah-istilah baharu yang aneh-aneh direka oleh pengguna Bahasa Melayu. Kadangkala, perkataan yang digunakan tidak masuk akal.

Bila saya baca isi surat itu, rasa terpempan sekejap. Apa yang beliau katakan itu benar.

Macam mana kita nak 'mengetengahkan' penggunaan Bahasa Melayu, sedangkan kita sendiri tidak menggunakannya dengan betul. Kalau tak kenapa boleh wujudnya istilah 'bahasa baku'? Berapa ramai yang sebenarnya menggunakan bahasa baku dalam ungkapan harian?

Bahasa Melayu hari ini sudah jauh rosak dari Bahasa Melayu yang asalnya. Semua ni boleh dilihat dengan jelas terutamanya dalam laman web sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Sikap yang terlalu malas nak tulis dengan betul menjadi punca kepunahan linguistik sehingga terbawa-bawa ke dalam kehidupan seharian.

Sekarang dah menjadi tanggungjawab semua orang memperbetulkan penggunaan Bahasa Melayu. Saya sendiri pun kadangkala tersalah guna istilah atau tatabahasa yang sesuai. Asalkan kita berusaha untuk memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu, itu yang penting.

Masyarakat yang bertamadun ialah masyarakat yang mempunyai bahasanya sendiri.

Dan susah tentunya media massa menjadi peranan yang penting dalam usaha mendidik masyarakat Malaysia memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu. Sejak kebelakangan ini (sejak habis SPM), bila saya tengok rancangan di televisyen terutamanya rancangan bual bicara, ramai yang tidak menggunakan Bahasa Melayu dengan betul. Malah ada yang menyelitkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris (spt ; so, then, you, I) walaupun rancangan itu rancangan berbahasa Melayu.

P/s : Terasa sangat skema ketika menulis entri kali ini. Tapi terpaksa juga meluahkan pandangan yang sudah terpendam lama. Huhu

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



These last few days I feel so frustrated and tempting every time i opened my twitter account.

Because BigBadWolf kept updating on whats going on on the book fair!!!

oh! this is so unfair!

For people who still doesn't know, BigBadWolf is the largest bookfare i've ever known in this world with the cheapest price for each items.

For example, last year my sisters and I bought a full trolly (the one that people often used at nightmarket) of books, for not more than RM300. That is cheap okay!

Even for a hard-cover 300 pages book costs at least RM8! Where else can we book lovers shop books at such low price?

Back to my despair, BigBadWolf has started its operation in Malaysia at 5th Disember at Mines and ends this 15th Disember. The best part of it is it operates for 24 hours except for the first day and last day. So no excuses to all those workers and students.

(Even I went to the fare at 1 a.m last year)

And this year I couldnt go there!!! There's so much things need to be done by this month, and if i did had the free time, no one wants to send me there.. :(

But then... hehe... there are still lots of books in this house that I havent read yet. Its not that Im being picky or bratty, but most of these books are so serious, too adventurous, or its about real story that happened to somebody...

Im just in the mood for relaxing, a bit cheesy but not cliche books. And in the mean time I have to released my temptation through wattpad, a site full of unpublished stories. BUT MOST OF THEM ARE CLICHE STORIES!! ugh.

Anyway, yeah I cant do anything about this.

And Im craving for Ramlee Awang Mursyid too. My Bahasa Melayu skill starting to rust ever since SPM ended. *sigh*

I dont know when I am going to post in Bahasa Melayu. I shouldnt do this.

*self reflect

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reply 1997

assalamualaikum and good evening :D

last few days i just done watching the drama Reply 1997.
At first, I watched it because Hoya was one of the main cast. Im not a fan of Hoya, but you can call me an Inspirit. huhu

But then, it turned out that Reply 1997 was really a five-star drama. It is a romance comedy story, which set at 1997 and the present.

This story is about Shi Won, the heroin, an obsessive fan of H.O.T (a kpop band back in 90's). She's the only daughter to her parents, since her older sister died of an accident. She's at the bottom of her class, and when her father asked her what she wanted to do in the future, she answered she wanted to be Tony's wife (Tony is oone of the members of H.O.T)

At first, I was so stressed and tension because of ShiWon obsessiveness on Tony. She would do anything, including write her love to Tony in her own blood. She even fought with her parents just because of H.O.T. (Her parents called H.O.T monkeys hahaha).

But then, the story goes on.

ShiWon childhood friend, YoonJae practically lived with her. They dont lived under the same roof, but YoonJae frequently visit ShiWon's house like his own house, and ShiWon's parents treat him like their own son since YoonJae was an orphan. Compared to ShiWon, YoonJae was the top student at their school, and a cool person. At their first day of high school, YoonJae fell in love with Shiwon because Shiwon took off her glasses and wore lenses instead. He hide his feelings since then and tried to give hints to Shiwon.

YoonJae's brother, Taewoong worked as a teacher at their school. Taewoong used to date Shiwon's sister, and end up falling in love with Shiwon. Taewoong was a smart and genius person. Unlike his brother, Taewoong gived warmth to people around him. When Taewoong asked Shiwon to be his girlfriend, Shiwon bluntly agreed because she didn't know her true feelings toward Taewoong and Yoonjae.

The climax of this story is when Shiwon celebrated her 18th or 19th birthday (can't remember) with her friends at a karaoke center. When Shiwon and Yoonjae were left alone in the room, Shiwon asked for her birthday present from Yoonjae. During her birthday year before, she said to Yoonjae she wanted a ring from someone that likes her, except Yoonjae. So, Yoonjae end up confessed to Shiwon, and how frustrated he was when he had to give up Shiwon for his older brother who was basically everything to him.

Then, he gave her the  ring and left the room.

Flash forward, they met again in 2005 after they departed for Seoul. Since then, Shiwon tried to grab Yoonjae attention, and continuously asking him whether he still likes her or not. While Taewoong, even though Shiwon asked for breakup soon after Yoonjae confession, he still put his hope on her and kept on waiting for her.

In the end, after all the push and pull, Yoonjae said yes to Shiwon. and they start to date afterward, even though Shiwon treated him violently. But they were so sweet~~

and Yoonjae had to face his brother, since he liked Shiwon too. After all the heart throbbing moments between the brothers, Taewoong give up to his brother because Yoonjae was the only relative he had and he didn't want to ruin their relationship. Yoonjae was touched and cried for his brother sacrificed for him.

 and the present. They were at the school's alumni meeting. Shiwon and Yoonjae were married with a daughter becoming 2 children. Taewoong was a candidate for an election, and married to the director of a hospital (who happened to be the president of TVXQ fanclub).

What I really like about this story is the way they keep changing the settings, from year 1997 to present. And with a little hint of minutes from the present, the story managed to made me confused Shiwon was married to Taewoong or Yoonjae.

and this story really had a good sense of humor when every awkward or funny moment, they add up with goat sounds (embek) and that made me laugh more.

one of the values that I really adore is even though Shiwon parents always argued to the state that Shiwon thought they were going to divorce, they were actually romantic and loving. And Shiwon marriage with Yoonjae was practically fulled with violence since they kept bickering all the time and that was normal to them.

AND... I ship ShiWon and YoonJae~~ hahaha

the character Shiwon was casted by Eunji Apink and Yoonjae, a solo singer Seo In Guk. Reply 1997 is a debut drama for Seo In Guk, yet he managed to be praised by public and critics.

here are some pictures from Reply 1997.

Hero and heroin

Friday, December 6, 2013

Well secured

Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you.

Ever since I was sitting for the exam, on the very first day, I have been thinking this up until now.

At school, I rarely know people or mend with other students. The one that I will be with were my only classmates and ex-classmate(s) that I really close to.
 Even, not all my classmates I can talk to and laugh with, especially the boys.

Girls and boys in my class were and still are well seperated (not that seperated that we dont talk or associate at all) since we were guided closely by our favorite ustaz Aziz and ustazah Rohana.

I never know other students aside from my classmates. I mean, i've been in the same stream since I was in form 1, it was (and is) hard to create new friends out from existed cycle. Even after PMR, when the KAA students seperated and went on with their own desired stream, I rarely talk to them or even smile at them (except for 1 friend) because, i thought it was awkward.

Some of my classmates managed to made friends from other classes through hostel and curricular activity, but i dont know i just seem cant step out and introduce myself.

Plus, im not good at expressing myself. Even my close friends sometimes take my words the other way.

Sometimes I thought its because me staying with the same class, same friends and same environment that keep me from seeing other world, from knowing how other people mind work, or how to associate with people who is not seeing things the way I see.

I just feel, well secured.

Now, SPM has passed. Right now I have to pray and tawakkal for my result, and embrace myself for my tertiary education.

The latter, is what on my mind.

Of course, when you go to new place, you will meet new friends. But i kinda doubt how i will do that.
I am such an awkward person. The only friends from primary school that I maintain the relationships with are only a few less than 5 persons.

Just because. ... Im afraid of what the other party might thought of me.

I am so self conscious.

So, I just wonder how I will get along with my future roommates, classmates, friends in college.
I feel scared at the thought of it.

because i think people think Im arrogant. because i dont make eye contact, that sometimes i missed to greet the teacher waiting at the back gate. and i always walk straight, either head high or head down. just to avoid people.

sigh. how am i going to survive in the future if im like this?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Capital D?

Assalamualaikum dan selamat tengah malam.. huhuhu

tatkala orang lain sedang lena diulit mimpi, Kemy masih di sini melepaskan gian dengan komputer. huhuhu

macam sadis je bunyi.

mestilah. sebelum ni mana ada can nak sentuh komputer. kalau ada pun, eh, memang tak ada lah!

tadi, bila selesai saja 'renovate' blog ni (walaupun mcm tak ada beza sangat pun, tapi ya Allah susahnya nak tukar... huhuhu), Kemy buka youtube.

macam biasalah. Ingatkan nak buka youtube nak dengar lagu korea yang baru atau dengar lagu English yang catchy, tapi.... TAK TAHU NAK TENGOK APA!!!

uh. betapa geram dan kecewanya bila tak tahu nak tengok apa. yalah, dah lama sangat tinggal benda2 lagho tu, bila nak balik semula nak teroka apa pun tak tahu..



takde la suspen mana.

Kemy pun buka je la Shinee-Hello on stage punya. eheh. comelnya. pfft.. urgh.
video tu 3 tahun y lepas. tapi masa tu mereka nampak sangat comel, happening, ceria dan sebagainya. kalau nak dibandingkan dengan sekarang....

Kebanyakkan lagu-lagu Korea sekarang dah tak sihat. Faham2 je la maksud tak sihat tu macam mana.

Habis tengok Hello 2 3 kali, buka Apink Hush pula.


Memang lagu Hush ada dalam list yang Kemy nak buat.
Tapi, walaupun dia punya step sangat senang, kenapa Kemy tak boleh ikutt???
Macam best je.


Ada byk lagi lagu yang Kemy nak buat.
dan lagu Hush ni adalah antara lagu y senang nak buat.


kalau banyak practise dapatlah tu. huhuhu

oh, capital D.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Assalamualaikum and good evening :)

I haven't post anything for awhile since I was so busy (considerable busy) studying *ehem* and classes and schools to prepare myself for the Exam.

but since I have finished the exam 12 30 yesterday... hehe


but still, i cant be 'free' as free as i want because the result is the real climax of what i've been striving for. and i dont want to live my life like what i had before after PMR. seriously, i regret for being so free that time.

anyway, enough about me graduating secondary school.

i have so many things to 'talk' about.

but first, i want to announce that im going to 'renovate' this blog, yup, this precious *yeah right* blog before i write anything i want to...

this, include my url.

dont you think my url is kind of... exposed? i mean like, im using my name for it right now, so i feel kind of insecure because of it. i wonder why i use it in the first place before.

so~~~ the new url im going to use is....

so, dont forget my dear followers to add this new url in your 'following list' :D

thats all for now.
buibui and assalamualaikum.

*to all the victims of floods in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Johor , be safe and take good  care of yourselves and families. May Allah protect us from any harm and danger. ameen.