Thursday, December 3, 2015

Know What You Want


The importance of this post is, to ensure myself, and to tell you guys, that be confident doesn't limit to yourself.
But you also have to be confident with your choice.

The decisions for your future, the decisions for you life, make sure you make it right.
Don't let others influence you. Know what you want. Only refer to other people when you are searching whats right and wrong, whats better and the best.

You don't know. Anyone could be in despite of your choice. Some people might stab in your back. Some are even people that you are close to.

So be close to your faith. Believe what you believe. Strive to achieve for what you want.

You live for yourself. Not for others. Or even your parents. They can guide you, but not force you into things you dislike.

Could be your choice misled you. Or your steps stray you away from your goals.

But guys, thats what we call as life. It isn't life if you don't experience failures and pains. You grow up while you stand up.

People laugh. But they don't realize, what they laugh at is the nature, the destiny God has bestow us.

So, be positive!
Allah will always be by your side to guide you.

Salam 'alaik.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Key Is To Restrain

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Assalam alaik to all of you.

The story is, lately I happen to be back on Kpop thing, and fall for BTS. or something like that.

I've always restrain myself from falling to new groups or people, because I myself know the consequences of being an almost-hardcore-fan (because once I fall, it's gonna be hard for me to get up).

One of the consequences is I'll be watching all their videos, eng subs, searching for updates and all AND this is NOT HEALTHY at all!

I'll be all procrastinating, forgetting my responsibilities and all, I mean I know I can just like them and listen to their songs, but I'm the type that if I like someone, I'll be liking them hard there's no way of turning back ( but I happen to turn my back with Bigbang,).

And the best thing about BTS is that, this is the first group ever I feel like buying their album, which I think is not a good thing because it'd bring no benefit to me, plus its super EXPENSIVE!

And they are having comeback by the end of this month.

Which means lots of teasers, new songs, new videos dramas and all, pictures, and bias. *sigh

And at this part of crucial time, as an ARMY, I make a decision to stop this thing for awhile, to tone it down, I even uninstall V app, lol.

I need to control this fangirling thing. I need to restrain myself.

Being a fan is okay. It's alright, everyone has the rights to have a muse or bands they like, but not to the extend of acting like a stalker. (sometimes I compare myself with sasaeng fans, like the only difference is just me stalking online, they stalking on time).

SO, here I am. Like making the biggest decision of my life.

I just need to concentrate on my study. Soon I'm entering degree university life. I need to decide for my future. 

I need to stop myself from digging their infos, at least until my final exam end this semester.

Pray for my faith.

Friday, October 30, 2015


and a very good morning? mornight perhaps?

This entry is about nothing really. I just miss typing using laptop so I just HAVE TO LET IT OUT thru this blog.

I'm having semester break right now, and I am really enjoying it with every bits of my breath. HAH!

Yeah right.

I'm not really enjoying it cause if I say I'm being proactive this whole month it would be a huge lie!

And I'll be back to CFS this Sunday. Nyums.


Goodness. I really need to learn how to prioritise my work. and to manage time.

And I also need to enhance my English. Getting rusty.

If I ever met any foreigner outside I'd be all frozen, my lips gonna be zipped till the ears my brain will froze!
I haven't converse in English for such a long time. Recap! Recap!

my vocabs are all dying in need to be save from vanishing!


Bring me back.

what am I talking about.

ok. sorry for taking your time. You shouldn't read this. *sigh

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oh girl

Really who would've thought we'd end up this way
And let the flashback do its job
We often rambles bout random things
Sharing stories things songs
Catching up with everyday life though we did see each other everyday
And not to forget our most precious memory
Singing together where i'd do the 1st part and you do the bridge
Regardless of the situation during maths class we still rock the song
And shoulders sharing, i learnt a lot about you and you did too
It was too good the best I coudn't contain myself

And the current picture is
Years apart miles away we still the soul twin we could ever be
And the missing part not to forget but thats what our strings so precious
Theres no tug of war we just got balance like that
Couldn't wait to meet so far so long

Oh really im being honest right here right now
I've been imagining us to meet up and hug and do our handshake and just hold hands while we start to rambles and yhings start to get more exciting
And we would catch up with each outher's life
How's school how's study what about your family are you having a good time
And made up stories fanfictions our dreams who's your bias and we'd do the fangirl
Oh girl seriously i miss you too much my mind keep on creating our meet up scenes with coffees

We might as well be soul twins with different parents different situation different condition but our hearts do match in some way
Like some click in my brain some things are too nostalgic with you
We've gone this way we've reached this part of friendship too precious too pricey too beautiful like we both are.
Yes we are narcissistic in some way and yhats whats best of it!

Ps: i am honestly inspired right now and i think i could make this into a rap song haha u know who you are!😁😍😘

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Between angel and devil

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليك

My title, is not about the Angels from Allah SWT and the Shaytan.

Instead, its about the struggles I've to get through every single time I am at home; being rebellious or responsible.

Funny right? Why exactly would I be rebellious?

I don't mean rebellious by throwing tantrums ignore people being social and all that kind of stuff.
My kind of rebellious is.. just not being responsible, and doing nothing.

Yeah. Ridiculous.

So, it's like, I have two sides of me. Like how you guys would see in movies where if someone is contemplating on doing bad deed, there is good angel in white costume in his right and bad angel with black costume in his left. So, that is kinda how I feel like. Right now. *sigh*

The situation is, I have a lazy bum, but I have a sense of responsibility in doing house chores.
And the result is?

I do the house chores, but with a huge amount of procrastination.

May Allah guide me always to the right path. Ameen.

p/s: Thank you syukran jazilan for those who wish! May Allah bless you guys always till jannah

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tetapkan hati

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim


Dah menjadi lumrah manusia yang melalui kehidupan remaja, pasti ada keinginan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi.

Banyak dugaan dan godaan yang dilalui seorang remaja, syabab, pemuda, tambahan pula dengan darah yang muda, cepat membara.


Walau macam manapun, kena cepat2 kalihkan hati semula kepada Allah.

Kita, walaupun dari lahir dah Islam, iman kita tak terus ada teguh dan kukuh dalam hati. Permulaan seseorang itu dengan Islam, adalah apabila dia menetapkan hati dia, nafas dia, jalan hidup dia hanya untuk Allah subhanahu wa taala, apabila dia bertemu dengan istilah dakwah, cinta akan Islam.

Dan untuk teguhkan tiang Islam itu bukan senang cepat dan mudah. Ada masanya. Bukan terus berkenalan terus wah megahnya binaan Islam dia.
Setiap orang ada jatuh bangun dia.

Ada masa masyaAllah, solat di awal waktu, banyak berzikir, dhuha tak tinggal.

Ada masa yang lain, banyak main telefon, melengah-lengahkan solat dan lalai.

Sedangkan Nabi kita salallahu alaihi wasallam pun berdakwah di Mekah selama 10 tahun. 10 TAHUN!

Semua maklum, masa di Mekah dakwah Nabi salallahu alaihi wasallam hanya bertumpukan akidah, keteguhan iman.

Ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang diturunkan pun berkenaan keimanan.

Apa yang nak cuba disampaikan di sini, jangan sesekali berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Jangan sesekali berputus dari bangkit tetapkan hati hanya untuk Allah!

Lumrah manusia untuk saling menyukai, tapi jika belum masanya, tumpukanlah hati hanya untuk Allah.

Dia sahaja yang Berhak. Dia yang mencipta cinta. Dia yang menghapuskan cinta.

wassalam alaik.

p/s: bacalah buku Syed Qutb, 'ma'alim fi al-tariz' Milestones. banyak membuka minda tentang hakikat akhir zaman.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Accused on copy paste and using google translate.

Assalam alaik.

This happened long time ago, which is not really long time ago, I just want to forget the event as soon as possible.

As how the title sounds like, yes, I was indirectly accused on plagiarism for my assignment, and using google translate to translate it to Arabic, which is so absurd, because I could never use google translate without having to correct it first.

oh and yeah, I am one of the Google Translate Graduates, thanks.

It was so heartbreaking, that I cried unwillingly, which is so rare because I never ever ever the crying type of person.

So, here it is. I'm posting my assignment, my article here on my blog.

It is about the Islamic arts around Malaysia.

الكاتبة: نور كاميلية محي الدين

فنون الإسلام في ماليزيا

          جاء الإسلام إلى بلاد ماليزيا منذ حكومة ملاك الموجودة تحت عهد السلطان اسكندر شاه. في ذلك العصر، أثّر الإسلام على الجوانب المتعددة في ملاك؛ عقيدة، وسياسة، وتعليما، واجتماعيا، وفي الفنون وإلخ. وفي الوقت الحاضر، كثير من قيم الإسلام منظورة في ماليزيا، ومنها هو قيم الفنون.
          وقيم الفن الإسلامي ظاهرة في الهندسة المعمارية، وايبراغرافي، وخط اليد، وفن النحت، وفن المعادن. وفي الهندسة المعمارية، كثير من المساجد في ماليزيا متأثّر بقيم الإسلام. ومثلها، يوجد المنحوتات الزهورية عند قبّة المسجد، والمنبر وغيرها. ثمّ، في ولاية ترنجانو، يوجد صورة طبق الأصل لأجهزة لوحية التي تثبت مجئ الإسلام في العصر القديم. والجدير بالذكر أن معظم الآثر الإسلامية هي بخط اليد. على سبيل المثال، بعض من الملايويين يستخدمون فن الخط كشكل للترفيه. وعلاوة على ذلك، توجد طريقتان للكتابة باللغة العربية، بالحروف الرومانية، والحروف العربية.

          الخلاصة، إن الإسلام يؤثّر كثيرا في فنون في ماليزيا. وبهذا، ثبّت أنّه حتّى على الرغم من أن ماليزيا تقع في جنوب شرق آسيًا، ليس مستحيلاً على بلادها امتلاك قيم الإسلام والعرب.الكاتبة: نور كاميلية محي الدين

          جاء الإسلام إلى بلاد ماليزيا منذ حكومة ملاك الموجودة تحت عهد السلطان اسكندر شاه. في ذلك العصر، أثّر الإسلام على الجوانب المتعددة في ملاك؛ عقيدة، وسياسة، وتعليما، واجتماعيا، وفي الفنون وإلخ. وفي الوقت الحاضر، كثير من قيم الإسلام منظورة في ماليزيا، ومنها هو قيم الفنون.
          وقيم الفن الإسلامي ظاهرة في الهندسة المعمارية، وايبراغرافي، وخط اليد، وفن النحت، وفن المعادن. وفي الهندسة المعمارية، كثير من المساجد في ماليزيا متأثّر بقيم الإسلام. ومثلها، يوجد المنحوتات الزهورية عند قبّة المسجد، والمنبر وغيرها. ثمّ، في ولاية ترنجانو، يوجد صورة طبق الأصل لأجهزة لوحية التي تثبت مجئ الإسلام في العصر القديم. والجدير بالذكر أن معظم الآثر الإسلامية هي بخط اليد. على سبيل المثال، بعض من الملايويين يستخدمون فن الخط كشكل للترفيه. وعلاوة على ذلك، توجد طريقتان للكتابة باللغة العربية، بالحروف الرومانية، والحروف العربية.
          الخلاصة، إن الإسلام يؤثّر كثيرا في فنون في ماليزيا. وبهذا، ثبّت أنّه حتّى على الرغم من أن ماليزيا تقع في جنوب شرق آسيًا، ليس مستحيلاً على بلادها امتلاك قيم الإسلام والعرب.

* and it all happened just because I forgot the arabic term for architecture and stuffs.  

الحمد لله، هذا من فضل ربي.

Try to learn the best from the downfall.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Kahwin muda?

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.

Assalam 'alaik.

Tiba-tiba dalam rasa kemalasan nak siapkan assignment, terdetik hati nak tulis pasal kahwin muda.
Jadi, apa kena dengan kahwin muda ni?

Apa yang saya tulis ni, sepenuhnya dari fikrah dan pandangan saya sendiri, setelah pemerhatian yang sekian lama dari tulisan-tulisan pandangan orang lain dan juga, dari mereka yang telah pun berkahwin muda.


Yang pertama sekali, tak perlu sangat pun kahwin muda. It all depends on what you want to achieve first in your life, or simply your priority.

Apa yang kita utamakan dalam hidup?

Apa yang kita nak capai dulu sementara muda ni?

Apa yang kita nak lihat dalam dunia di sekililing kita?

Kita masih muda, maka kita ada kudrat untuk menggapai impian yang kita tanamkan. Why not try and strive for it?

Hence, setelah menjawab soalan-soalan di atas dan juga susunan kepentingan hidup kita ni, dah boleh menjawab adakah perlu atau boleh untuk seseorang itu berkahwin pada usia yang muda (termasuk juga faktor-faktor yang lain).

Oh tapi, sepatutnya by the time dah habis SPM, atau dah masuk umur 16 dah boleh nampak apa impian dan cita-cita yang perlu sangat untuk digapai, untuk menentukan hala tuju hidup.

Cthnya, kalau seseorang itu berimpian untuk mendapat pekerjaan yang stabil dulu, lepas tu nak support family sendiri, balas jasa mak ayah dan sebagainya, it is decided then yang dia perlu kahwin selepas selesai urusan dia, atau hampir selesai.

Tapi boleh je kalau nak kahwin juga, kalau dia fikir dengan adanya isteri/suami, ada lah orang nak mengadu, berkongsi cerita suka duka, sama-sama sanggup berpenat lelah, atau senang cerita untuk meringankan beban di bahu, since the sadness can be shared into two.

Tak tahulah boleh faham ke tak ni. adeh.

Kemudian, tengok pula kualiti diri sendiri tu macam mana. Dah layak sangat ke nak ambil anak dara orang dan jaga dia sepanjang hidup? Dah mantop sangat ke didikan hati dan jiwa tu nak sehidup semati dengan orang lain?

By sehidup semati, boleh bayangkan yang kita ni, lepas kahwin, tengok muka sama tiap-tiap hari, 24/7. Tengah gaduh pun kena tengok muka dia, tengah sedih pun muka dia. Lepas tu sesetengah lelaki yang hot temper, perempuan yang kuat merajuk dan manja tak bertempat. Nak adapt dengan lifestyle masing-masing lagi. Oh my..

Sebab tu, bila dah terfikir 'eh aku rasa dah layak nak kahwin' think again brothers sisters.
Nak tahu cukup ke tak kriteria untuk jadi pasangan orang ni,, sila baca di bawah..

1. Toleransi; before kahwin ni kena belajar hidup bertoleransi. Kalau ada masalah tak puas hati dengan orang lain kena pandai tackle rasa marah diri sendiri dulu, baru confront, berhadapan dengan masalah. Masa kahwin, banyak benda nak kena tolerate. Suami tak basuh pinggan la, masuk rumah tak basuh kaki ke, tak kemas surat khabar lepas baca. Ataupun isteri yang kuat merengek, manja, kuat membebel. Habit partner yang kita tak biasa, rasa tak selesa tengok dia buat sesuatu benda. Heol. Benda ni nampak je kecil. Tapi kalau tak reti nak tolerate, boleh perang besar tahu?!

So, belajar untuk tolerate, bertolak ansur dengan orang lain dahulu, belajar kawal amarah dalam hati, jangan sampai termeletop pula.

2. Hormat: hormat? basic je kan. Tapi kadang-kadang benda basic kita terlepas pandang. Dalam perkahwinan, pasal hormat ni bukan isteri kena hormat suami je. Suami pun kena hormat isteri. In every single thing. Hormat suami masa tengah baca surat khabar, masa makan. Suami pun hormat isteri dengan TIDAK mengherdik atau memalukan isteri di depan atau belakang khalayak. Respect is all about taking care of the other person's dignity and pride. Especially in Islam, respect is manners. Dalam Islam, semua benda sudah diajar. Adab ketika makan, adab berbual and so on.

So, belajar hormat orang dulu ok sebelum nak berangan nak kahwin. Terutama untuk suami yang bila isteri tengah period. You guys just never know.

3. Menghargai: yes! To appreciate every little effort he/she had done! Suami menghargai isteri masak, jaga rumah, lipat kain, or even appreciate setiap cara si isteri melayani suami, dari segi tutur kata dan tingkah laku. Tak rasa nak hargai ke kalau perangai isteri ni sangat menenangkan dan mendamaikan?
Dan isteri appreciate suami pergi kerja, balik on time, gerak bangun subuh, jadi imam, tolong buat kerja rumah, dan juga yang paling penting, appreciate suami yang setia jujur dan menjaga perasaan.

Jangan jadi orang kufur nikmat. Allah dah bagi setiap nikmat untuk dinikmati dan dihargai dan disyukuri, bukan untuk menidakkan dan buat-buat tak nampak.

4. To listen: kena pandai untuk mendengar luahan orang. Atau pun bebelan. Ataupun cerita potpet and so on. Bila dah kahwin ni, suami jadi bff isteri, isteri jadi bff suami. Kalau tak dekat partner sendiri nak cerita pasal hal pejabat, politik, keluarga and so on, siapa lagi? Itu je lah teman berbual yang insyaAllah boleh dipercayai. Kahwin untuk sepanjang hidup kot. Tiap-tiap hari jumpa. Kalau kawan, ada masa adalah dia, ada masa menghilang. Kawan pun ada life dia sendiri.

Be a good listener. kalau rasa bosan tak tahu nak reply just angguk say yes untuk jaga hati. Kalau ada benda yang nak diperbincangkan/dipertikaikan or so on, boleh je. Tapi kena guna bahasa yang lembut, bukan kasar, bukan emosional.

5. Sharing: Dah kahwin, mestilah nak kena kongsi banyak benda. Dari bilik air, bilik tidur, makan, tv, sampai keluarga pun nak kena kongsi. Everything must be shared, kecuali certain things yang memang tak boleh nak kongsi. Selimut pun kongsi ok. Tak ada nak main tarik-tarik selimut malam-malam.

6. Pendidik: Suami didik isteri, isteri nasihat suami, isteri pula bila ada anak, kena asuh anak tu. Skill mendidik tu kena ada. at least yang basic! At least isteri wajib ada kemahiran mendidik anak! Suami kena pandai mendidik isteri! Pernah saya terfikir, kalau kahwin nanti rasa macam nak upah pengasuh so boleh asuh anak tu betul-betul from every single aspect. But then, kenapa diri sendiri je yang jadi pengasuh anak?
Yang ajar anak adab-adab, soal agama, alQuran, solat, puasa, akhlaq, lepas tu nak ajar kemahiran semua, membaca melukis, bahasa-bahasa. Itu semua tugas ibu! jangan ingat nak lepas tangan dekat cikgu, bila nak tak menjadi nak salahkan cikgu. Sedangkan tanggungjawab mendidik yang utama ialah pada ibu bapa itu sendiri!

Sebab ada orang kata, nak cari isteri tu, ibarat mencari madrasah, sekolah untuk anak-anak. Ilmu agama di dada kena sentiasa di tambah.

6 tu je yang boleh fikir untuk kriteria wajib kena ada sebelum kahwin. Tak ada pengalaman lagi, tak boleh nak cakap banyak.

Kemudian, kemampuan! Mampu nak nikah? bukan pasal masa akad nikah majlis kahwin, tapi masa nak hidup berdua tu!

Dah cukup harta untuk lelaki nak tanggung isteri dan anak? Kalau tak cukup lagi, dah ada usaha untuk cukupkan? Ada usaha cari kerja menambah sumber pendapatan?

Nak kumpul duit ni, bukan bila dah jumpa pasangan. Awal-awal lagi dah boleh kumpul duit untuk perancangan masa depan. Bila dah jumpa calon, dah tak ada masalah tentang nikah dan walimatul urus. rumah dan benda basic penda dah settle.

Yang perempuan pula, jangan nak susahkan yang lelaki. Kalau nak lebih, boleh cari sendiri.

SO, overall ada dalam tiga benda saya bebelkan tentang benda yang membolehkan untuk kahwin muda. Heh..

Saya tak kisah sangat kalau nak kahwin muda, tapi tengok pandangan mak ayah saya dulu macam mana. Tapi kalau fikir, banyak lagi cita-cita tak tercapai, takut bila kahwin tergendala cita-cita sebab bertambah tanggungjawab.

Ok, insyaAllah sampai sini saja, sekali sekala nak juga cakap benda yang cliche. lol.

Wassalam alaik.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Own created conflicts

Assalam 'alaik,

Right now, since few months back, I'm having problems which I've created, or assumed myself, and I feel deeply trouble by it.

You see, when you expect too much of other people and they seem to not see your expectation, or they are just too busy and have other things more important than you are to them, your expectation will be left, alone, just like that, unattended.

That is how I feel right now.

Well, I don't really expect too much of other people, I just wish them to notice my existence and to include me in their cycle.

I know. I sound like I'm a loner depending on someone else's life to live. But no. This people I put my expectation on is the one that I am already close to, these people are the one that I hope will be with me through my thick and thin, and I will be the same them too.

So, now I noticed that this relationship, this friendship is drifting apart. I mean, shouldn't it be stronger? We have known each other for years now and I have put my deep trust on to them.
And now I feel neglected. and out of place.

Maybe its because I have changed, without me realizing it. Maybe its because of the situations, though I don't know what the situation is. Maybe its just me. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

I'm just being protective over my friendship. No one want to build something over nothing, and lots of time being spent is not for nothing.

Expectation exists when you are being given hope.

But I never want to question other people's existence around me. I'm not Allah, who Knows whats deep down in their hearts and minds. So I can't simply assume things that I myself not sure of.

But one thing for sure, what I have learnt from this is to never put my hopes, dreams upon people, for they are the created ones. But always my hopes and dreams and despair and happiness upon the One and only One, my dear Allah.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Some taste of 1/1000 thesis work

Assalam alaik and I feel so... distracted right now.

Am currently doing my assignment (not really. I'm taking a pause) and this assignment is no joke.

I have to find an article or any writing (note: this is an arabic assignment) published in Malaysia. Finding it is hard enough, as I need to limit it until 1000 words.

Yes. I count it

Then I have to list words with certain criteria in that 1000 words writing and put the description for each word. Which Im done listing them. But not the description.

Guys! For TWO HOURS I managed to only complete 25 out of 95 words. And this is so tiring because I have always refer to the big bulky dictionary to find the root word of the word.

This post is about nothing really. I'm just ranting on how lazy I am to finish up this thing which due next monday. Nyums.

and yes. I think I just get to taste a littttle tiny bit of doing thesis or research. Which is so oh-sem.

I wish and I hope I'll get through this, my spirit be all up high and not to procrastinate, which Im much more better it.

and not to get distracted.

oh why I get distracted so easily. *sigh

till then, lailan saidan :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015



Assalam 'alaik and good evening all!

When I was still in school, we were taught on being punctual to our classes, especially when we have to change venue during class interchange. Almost every assembly, our teacher senior assistant would stress on sense of urgency, a sense where you need to be where you need to be on time. So it was normal to see students hurrying to their next venue, walking on fast pace to catch up the time.

However, things seems a bit different when I entered university. Every morning, or every time I'm going for classes, I have to feel annoyed on how slow people around me walking, especially those who is blocking my way. I mean, come on! Class starts in 10 minutes, how can you walk like you're taking a walk!

And last Wednesday, my committee and I had an event, a huge event in fact and it 'supposedly' starts at 6pm. However, apart from because of the slow working committee arranging the hall and other stuff, we had to wait for like HALF AN HOUR for the VIP to come so we can start. And I was one of the MC that evening so I was so on my nerve because I was anxious enough and the late start wasn't helping!

And the VIPs was the university's lecturers itself!

So I can't help thinking, why do they expect students to come early for classes, and lock the door once they started their lecture when they CAN'T EVEN BE PUNCTUAL for this huge event?

To me, it is already embarrassing enough that they came late, with all students inside 'take example' of their tardiness. How nice.

This is an Islamic university. A university where Islam is preaches, whether among students or workers. And by preaching and practicing Islam doesn't exclude time management.

There is a saying in arabic, where it means "time is like sword, if you don't cut it, it will cut you".
This shows that if you don't try to make full of your time, then you will lose it and realize that your time has cut through your wasted energy.

Maybe the VIPs were late for some reason. But they should at least say sorry for their tardiness. Being a VIP doesn't mean you can control the show.

So brothers and sisters, BE PUNCTUAL !

والعصر! إن الإنسان لفي خسر.
-By time, indeed mankind is in loss (Sahih International)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pembolak-balikan hati

ramadhan kareem, moga kita semua dalam peliharaan Allah sentiasa, dan jauh dari kefuturan.

Semester 3 dah mula, hampir sebulan dah pun. Macam biasa, masa cuti bukan main rindu nak belajar, bila dah mula kelas, meronta-ronta hati nak balik.

Bila dah mula ramadhan ni, menjadi-jadi perasaan nak balik. Nostalgia masa sekolah dulu bersahur bersama keluarga, mama ayah abang, kemudian berbuka setelah seharian di sekolah asyik bermain-main dalam fikiran.

Sejujurnya, kenangan ramadhan adalah kenangan paling indah dalam kekeluargaan.

Bila dah balik uni, beza, beza betul aura ramadhan. Ada positif dan negatif. Positifnya alhamdulillah semangat beribadah tu berkobar-kobar seronok sebab ada kawan-kawan sekali yang duk tolak-tolak jadi imam. Negatifnya, rindu nak makan dekat meja makan di rumah. Hmm..

Tapi bila dekat uni lah kita kena belajar berdikari kan?

Bukan selamanya keluarga disisi, ada masa kita perlu bersendiri menyelesaikan masalah.

Kadang-kadang tu, betapa rasa geram nak baliknya, terutama bila dah cuaca panas suhu badan pun nak ikut sama juga, macam-macam perasaan keluar.

Nak berhentilah. Nak putus asalah. Dah tak ada semangat nak sambung perjuangan.

Masa tu luahkan je lah segalanya. Kemudian ingat, Allah cipta kita, manusia ni bertujuan. Bukan tanpa sebab. Takkan semudah tu nak putus asa?

Alhamdulillah Allah bagi kekuatan kembali. Kena fikir rasional juga. Semudah tu nak putus harap? Putus asa? Semudah tu nak sia-siakan perjuangan sebelum ni? Sakit luka yang dialami? Paling penting semudah tu nak bazirkan JERIT PERIH MAMA AYAH membesarkan saya ni?

Terasa bodoh sangatlah kan kalau nak berhenti macam tu.

Hidup ini ternyata satu perjuangan. Perasaan semudah rindu mudah menghancurkan. Tak usah dilayan sangat sampai merosakkan hati.

Serah segalanya kepada Allah. Allah lebih tahu apa yang terbaik, dah menjadi kewajipan kita sebagai muslim untuk percaya ketentuanNya.

Yang penting, usaha dan tawakkal.

Terima kasih yaAllah, Kau bolak balikkan hati ini menjadi lebih menghargai peluang yang Kau beri.

رمضان كريم أصدقائي! بالتوفيق والنجاح في العبادة!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Always guard up girls!

Assalamualaikum and good evening. As I'm writing this I'm waiting for my bus for Kuantan, but without internet.

So, I'm the type that like to travel or walk alone. Not travel going places, but travel from one point to one point. Get it?

Even though it was my first time, I really like to discover the route by myself and I will feel all proud of myself like how moms pats their children for their straight A's on SPM since I don't need a 'tour' guide to guide me.

Alas, as a girl travelling alone is never a good thing. It's not safe. Anything could possibly happen. Especially this bus 'terminal' called Pekeliling.

Nahh.. my friends always told me that my face is always showing anger, not friendly type and so on. That. Is my defense mechanism. While walking I will avoid any eye contact, eyes on the ground, and keep walking straight.

But then. I noticed this one guy right now. Since my arrival and I don't know if he still does it. He kept looking at me. While hiding his smirk. God seriously I feel like ripping his head off.

People like him. I would consider them as damn dirty pervert. Because, who knows whats on their smalll smallll minds.

Im not wearing attractive outfits. I never wear fancy. No make up. High heels never! So its the man fault. Hah!

People often misunderstood me on their first impression as very-polite girl, ayu, lemah lembut and so on.
Please, I'm the type that often put on my poker face.

And I like to psycho people who disturbs me. (Thats also my defense mechanism).

I guess this is what they call as iron lady.

A lady should be full of grace, polite but on the other side of her is a strong independent woman.

Perempuan dalam Islam pun macam tu. Lemah lembut selalu macam nak goda lelaki. Keras selalu macam tomboy.

So we need a lil bit of this and that gals.

So girls, anywhere you go, either in pack or alone, always head up, walls up, don't let people look down on you because that, is when they found their victim.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Duty or responsibility?

Assalam 'alaik and good day to everyone!

Regarding the tiltle, really what's the different between duty and responsibility?


I'll give you example to make it easy to understand. So you are a student studying away from home, so you are staying either in a hostel or you rent a house. Whichever it is, there will be time you are going home, curing your homesickness and feed the purse.
But then, is that it? Is that your only reason why you are going home? Really?
Oh well then too bad you're too shallow.

Should not you be helping your parents doing house chores taking care of your siblings and such? Should not you be listening to your parents problems and worries after the weeks and months you left them?
Should not you be the reason why your parents are smiling and feels like burdens are lifted from their shoulders even for a while when you are home? ---> this is what i call as responsibility.

Duty? I don't know. I just understand the word as giving your parents a part of your salary/allowance.

So think again. Do you go home to be a burden to your parents, or to lighten up their works?

Parents are not slaves. They do not do and make things for you.

You have grown up. You can stand on your own. Hence, do make things easier for your mother and father.

Monday, March 9, 2015

One of my dream

Assalamualaikum guys!

It was rainy just now in PJ so today is not a hot kind of day. But there was a situation that somehow managed to turn me boiling hot. It's okay. I know it's one of the tribulations He gave me.

So, being here studying in an Islamic college, I sort of have a tendency of studying religion, wait, not study religion (i do take religion study course), it's like more to getting into the deep of Islam.
Here in my college, it's normal to find out a student is a hafiz or hafizah. and I kind of get jealous of them. because they had the opportunity to memorize the amazing al-Quran. I mean, who wouldn't?

So yesterday I told my dear roommate, I know an effective way to memorize the Quran, and she asked how?


yeah and so we agreed to start memorizing juz 'amma, juz 30 since the sura in that juz are shorter and easy to memorize and in shaa Allah applicable easily in solah. the duration agreed for the memorizing is 3 weeks=1 month.

But we haven't think who is going to be the listener, to listen our tasmi' later. Nahh... we can find that person after this.

So, one of my dream here is to memorize the Quran by heart. I am so inspired by those who can simply extract a point from the Quran just like that to strengthen their arguement in a statement. And one of my ustaz really encourage us to memorize the Quran. He told us that he memorize the Holy Book only in 2 MONTHS! Imagine that!

and my another dream is also to memorize, but now is the 40 hadiths by Imam Nawawi with the syarah (explanations). It will be so awesome if I can achieve both dreams!

If a girl can dream, then I can make it a reality!

pray for me guys! :)

السلام عليك! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Being a committee

Assalamualaikum peeps!

It has been a while and I have this thing bugging me to share to the whole wide world!

It's about the benefits and cons of being a committee in an organization.

Here in my college residence building, the rooms are divided into smaller groups called hisbah. Since I was in semester 1, I've been holding a post as the Da'wah and Tarbiah bureau in my hisbah until now, semester 3 (first year). To be honest, I am really the type that like to hold a position ever since from my secondary school years. I just can't stand sitting around swaying legs like I have nothing better to do.

So, holding this post has involved me into so many activities with me as one of the committee members and the positions I got changed for every activities we did.

Some activities were under my hisbah program while the others were from my Da'wah and Tarbiah (DnT) members from the whole residence building.

There were lots of them from semester 1, but the one that keeps burning on my mind is our preparation to celebrate Eid Fetr Day in the building. The preparation was devided to hisbahs, and my hisbah had to make nasi himpit (the kuah and others we ordered it from outside vendors). We had so much fun working together, our fellow bought bags of rice and plastic bags. So we put the rice equally inside the plastic bags and stapled them and holed them with forks while tightened our ukhwah together. After that, we boiled the rice in the plastic bags in a huge kawah filled with boiled water! Im sure outside the college I won't experience that kind of thing!

During the fasting months also we had to managed the solat tarawih so everyday we had to unrolled mats on our open hall (we call it ZC Square) then we had to prepare some refreshments after they have done praying. One thing here is that we practised on how to serve the food properly so it looks more appetizing and yeah, proper.

The latest event we (DnT) had conducted was a talk entitled Walk Towards The Path Of Light: Second Chance. And guess what? I was given a post as the Program Manager!

Honestly, I don't know how to work as a manager, but my head head DnT sure taught me a lot. and my fellow was awesome too! My other committee members not to mention were so competent in handling so many tasks. I thought I did nothing that I was afraid being called as 'useless PM'. Ok alright. Long story short, the event was a huge success!!!

So many people came and we were short of chairs and even though there were some mishaps but things were superb!!

and I can't believe I handled that. LOL.

So, the point of me telling this is that being a committee here has taught me a lot of things. I learnt how to communicate, how to handle things wisely, how to be responsible and the most important is on how to cooperate with other people.

Because sometimes, not all people are of the same mind as us, so we need skills on how to tackle miscommunications or other problems that involved interactions.

I feel so proud I've done a huge achievement myself because at home you can't experience this kind of things. This things is so ... It's hard to find. It's something that you have to feel it yourself.

Till then, assalam 'alaik!