Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Between angel and devil

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليك

My title, is not about the Angels from Allah SWT and the Shaytan.

Instead, its about the struggles I've to get through every single time I am at home; being rebellious or responsible.

Funny right? Why exactly would I be rebellious?

I don't mean rebellious by throwing tantrums ignore people being social and all that kind of stuff.
My kind of rebellious is.. just not being responsible, and doing nothing.

Yeah. Ridiculous.

So, it's like, I have two sides of me. Like how you guys would see in movies where if someone is contemplating on doing bad deed, there is good angel in white costume in his right and bad angel with black costume in his left. So, that is kinda how I feel like. Right now. *sigh*

The situation is, I have a lazy bum, but I have a sense of responsibility in doing house chores.
And the result is?

I do the house chores, but with a huge amount of procrastination.

May Allah guide me always to the right path. Ameen.

p/s: Thank you syukran jazilan for those who wish! May Allah bless you guys always till jannah

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