Saturday, May 19, 2012

troublesssss ~times 10 to the power of a million~

assalamualaikum. :)

lately, erh. hm. kemy rasa macam.. ntah. rasa tak tenang . its like, something is troubling me,,, or haunting me? ok weird

kadang-kadang kan,
trouble tu bukan datang dalam bentuk fizikal, atau berpunca dari seseorang atau perbuatan.
kadang-kadang, masalah tu datang dari kita sendiri.

orang lain tak perasan masalah kita, tapi kita yang tak selesa dengan keadaan tu.

and i have no idea how to overcome it.


hm. kalau masalah berkaitan dengan seseorang, perselisihan faham or apa2 y sejenis dengannya, kemy pendam je. kemy tak biasa bagi tahu orang lain, err kecuali org tu mmg tahu huhu. even dalam diari or apa-apa pun kemy tak tulis. kalau tulis tu that is so not me.

kemy tak suka cakap or tulis pasal masalah tu. sebab, bagi kemy kalau buat macam tu kita cuma memanjangkan tempoh masalah tu, unless kita bagitahu seseorang dgn sbb nk mintak opinion.

plus, masalah selalu berkait dengan dendam, oh kemy tak faham dengan orang berdendam ni. walaupun perkara simple. best ke dendam? erh?rasa sakit hati n menyenakkan adalah.

kadang-kadang dendam ni mcm immature attitude. kita tak dapat apa-apa pun sbg benefit, berdendam cuma akan buat kita berfikiran negative. oh i just dont like pessimistic man. how annoying.

biasanya kalau kemy, kemy akan cuba usaha untuk lupakan masalah tu, tu pun kalau masalah tu cuma kemy je yang prasan or care or melibatkan kemy seorang. kalau masalah tu melibatkan orang lain, kemy takkan fikir masalah tu macam orang gila sampai boleh naik darah tinggi camtu.
kalau masalah jenis macam tu kemy akan cuba sepositive yang boleh, cuba hadapi masalah tu dengan tenang.

i dont know.

agaknya ada orang fikir kemy ni jenis happy-go-lucky .. tapi, kemy rasa kemy ni jenis tipikal, sebab tak ada orang tahu the real me.

thats all. muhasabah diri, assalamualaikum :D

Saturday, May 5, 2012

not everything

assalamualaikum and good what-ever-you-are-doing!

well, it has been such a long time since i've updated this unlucky blog. hisy


actually i have nothing to say. but yeah. i cant let this blog mereput all by 'him'self.

these days, i keep on thinking, how do people know me? no, not that how they know me. its like, what do i look, or how do i look in their mind.

do i look like a playful and naughty? or just some kind of  troublesome girl? or maybe a hard-to-approach or whatsoever?

because, i want to know how do i seem to be in front of their eyes *okay i think i got my grammar wrong here nvm*

i think, there's actually no one who really really understand me, who know me from the heart, who know how do i think, how i talk to myself.

because i keep keeping things to myself. well im not the type that will tell everyone or some certain person or write it down in my diary about what my heart says.

yeah, i do have a diary. suprising is it? but i dont update it like frequently. huhhh..
i tend to get easily bored to let my heart out.

sometimes, i thought that i was/am a hypocrite girl, a girl who live under a fake mask, a girl who not being herself.

im confused with myself.

err.. it is confusing, is it?

i think thats all..
just i want to point out here, there's no one know how i've been through in my life, maybe i was happy, maybe i'va gone through a hell of world.
its that, my true, real diary or story of my heart is, my heart. not a person, or papers, books or even this blog.

assalamualaikum pals.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lab Report Physic

concept: inertia
relationship: mass and inertia

inference: The inertia depends on its mass

hypothesis: When the mass increases, its inertia also increases

Aim: To study the realtionship between mass and period of oscillation

Variables : Manipulated - Mass, m
Responding - Period of oscillation, T
Fixed - The distance of the centre of plasticine bob to the point where the hacksaw blade is clamped

Apparatus and Materials : Hacksaw blade, G clamp, Table, metre rule, stop watch, plasticine, triple beam balance

Arrangement of Apparatus : *please refer to the picture upload*

Procedures :
1. The experiment is set up as shown in the diagram above.
2. A 20g mass of plasticine bob is weighed.
3. The plasticine bob is then attached to the free end of the hacksaw blade.
4. The plasticine bob is displaced.
5. The time for 10 oscillations, t is taken.
6. The period od oscillation, T is the calculated.
7. The results is recorded in the table below.
8. The experiment is repeated using plasticine mass, m of 30g, 40g, 50g, 60g.
9. Care is taken so that the distance between the centre of the plasticine bob and the point where tha hacksaw blade is clamped is always the same throughout the experiment.

Tabulation : *refer to the picture taken/upload*


1. A graph of T(squared) against m is drawn.
2. From the graph,
a) determine the value of period of oscillation, T when mass, m = ____ g
b) determine the value of mass, m when period of oscillation, T is ____ s .

3. Calculate the gradient of the graph.

Conclusion :

Precautions : -avoid parallex error
-repeat experiment

untuk tabulation : t/s (tukarkan kpd) > 10 oscillation 

T/s (tukarkan kpd) > 1 period of oscillation

value of t/s (ke bwh) > 4.00 5.08 5.26 5.82 6.04

value of T/s (ke bwh) > 0.40 0.58 0.52 0.58 0.60

p/s terpaksa letak dlm blog sbb handout utk lab report ada satu je n kalau nk photostate takut tak sempat sbb due hantar hari selasa
p/p/s ni semua utk izzatul y xdek fb huhu.. kalau x boleh je dia tgk dkt GC.

p/p/p/s hey izzatul! u should thank me!


ana naasii


uuuhhh dah lama tak update blog. berhapak habis. hehe

sebenarnya kemy ada idea nak post pasal apa, tp kemy lupa. huhu

mm.. nantilah kalau kemy ingat kemy post ok?


 lain kali, jumpa di alam maya lagi

p/s: kpd budak pandu form1, kak kemy mintak maaf sebab asyik marahmarah korang. huhu.. aaasiff :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

this is what we called exam

and good.. night *because im writing this at 10 pm*

today is saturday, and the exam for term 1b was over, this 10:30 morning.

its a tiring week actually, yet a 'peaceful' week.

because i dont have to feel the urge to finish all my homeworks, and i can live my life this week with a silent situation everyday and night.
the only thing that i have to do was only study for the subjects i have taken

monday, its bm and math. bm? hmm okay la not bad. i think there's one or two question/s that i had left without answering it. oh yeah the one that the answer is 'di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung'. that time i was seriously stress because i cant find that peribahasa in my brain. duh. so, i just left it, unanswered.

for math, i dont think i have something to say for this paper.. :) insyaAllah i'll get A for this.. :D

tuesday, english p.e and chemistry. the p.e paper *pjk*, ohh seriously i think most of the question i shoot it falsely lol. the one who can answer p.e paper correctly like 90% and above can be a doctor. doctor-to-be.

chemistry,,,, i love this subject. there are some questions that i didnt answer, but maybe i'll get B at least. oh please A!!!

wednesday is for PSI PQS and biology. . for that bio paper, i didnt study for that paper like.. errr.. ugh. i did study tuesday's evening at school. but at home i didnt wake up as i slept so early like 9 pm. so, tawakal je la.  sorry cik Faridah for disappointing u :'(

the day before yesterday was history and physic. wahh.. these both papers are seriously.. i really cant get A for it. history- there's some question 'bout india which is i didnt read about it really and i was quite confuse between tamadun hwang ho and china. urghhh
physics-  i think i left the procedure in paper 3 and i think i draw the retort stand weirdly? 'cause i dont remember how does the clamp look like. huhu

got to cry for these subjects..

yesterday, Friday was for BA and sivik. ahh guys please tell me who did study for sivik last time?? i dont think anyone did. so, apa lagi tembak la kan? haha.. BA?? wow my composition not bad actually 'cause i made it to 154 words.. woohoo *but of course i dont expect it to be 50 marks right? huhu*

lastly, today!! ADDITIONAL MATHEMATIC!! ok this one also i will not get A for this. there were some questions which are i dont know how to calculate it and i just bantai je what ever i want to write as long as there are jalan kira. at least i'll get marks for it right??

ok. even though this is the first examination for this year, first exam since i've become an upper form high school, i dont want to get my result with a 'swimming colour' ...

because everyone like almost everyone said 'xpe.. exam first' , 'alaa exam 1b je kot' , 'standard la tu form 4 ada fail'. ok the last statement is agak.. erm.. xpelah

i dont want to get any fail ,  at least! and i want 3 A's for this exam. but i dont know if i can get that.

this is because, i dont want to fail make my parents happy, make my friends proud, especially fairy *ya Allah i miss her so much*. and i seriously dont want my teachers think that im a lazy stupid student like the others *others??*.

starting this year, i want to try my best in my studies. my friends in KISAS and MRSM Taiping *nabellah* inspired me to work hard. the green cereals always support me no matter what even though i know they think that i am a bit fierce? ok i am. huhu. anyway, my friends and my family always tell me to try hard or harder in exam, try to make them proud, try to tackle the teacher *eh?*

ahh i <3 them so much!!!

p/s i think starting now i have to be more active in blogging since there's a certain person said that he/she will see my update through my blog since he/she's leaving far away from me... :'(

thats all then buibui

Sunday, February 26, 2012

bersabar itu sebahagian daripada iman

assalamualaikum antum semua:)

stelah skian lama kemy x update blog. idea ada dtg, tapi masa tak mengizinkan.
kemy betul2 busy bulan ni. skrang ni hujung minggu, boleh la kemy update sambil study :)

penat. penat sangat
itu yang kemy boleh kata.

menjadi student form 4, aliran sains agama di smart cukup memenatkan.
walhal kemy cuma ambik sbelas subjek, bukannya 24 atau 21 mcm amalina che bakri and nik madihah.

mungkin sbb kemy x biasa, culture shock. apa y boleh kemy kata kerja2 tahun ni lagi byk dari masa form 3.

tiap2 hari tak sah kalau tak tido lambat.. paling awal pukul 12.

tiap2 hari balik skolah pukul 5

n walaupun tido lambat, homework tetap xsiap.

sbb tu kemy x nk ambik borang pengawas, sbb kemy tahu kemy x akan berjaya mlaksanakan tanggungjawab kemy dgn sempurna.

beban sedia ada tak tergalas, buat apa nk tambah lagi kan??

tp skrang ni kemy rasa serba salah..
sbb sbelum ni kemy asyik kata smart ni skolah y mcm suka mendera budak2 =,=''
tp bila kawan2 kemy respond dkt fb, especially form sbp and dari ustazah <3 , diorang kata inilah dugaan n diorang dkt sbp lagi teruk

dugaan kemy sbagai pelajar. sebagai anak mama n ayah. sbagai adik kpada abang dan kakak2.

kemy x spatutnye memburukkan nama smart begitu skali. walaupun terdetik di hati kemy cikgu2 spatutnye memahami plajar2 terlalu byk homework. ntahla.

tapi, alhadulillah walaupun kemy slalu tidur lambat, tp stakat ni kemy x pernah lagi tertidur dlm kelas. mengantuk itu pasti, tapi tahan je

dan stelah diberi smangat oleh rakan2 dan ustazah, kemy tahu apa y harus kemy lakukan skrang ni

bersabar. dan mencari kelemahan diri

sabar dgn dugaan ini, Allah hanya ingin menguji kemy. setakat mana kekuatan kemy, keinginan kemy untuk belajar.
yelah, kemy tak nak jadi org y prinsip hidupnya 'studies are important'

bagi kemy, studies are not important. determination is what important, and that bring us to studies. kan?

dan kemy nak perbaiki kelemahan diri kemy. kemy cemburu dengan fairy, sbb dia dpt kisas. skolah y mampu mentarbiah hati dan diri, dan insyaAllah mampu membantu meneguhkan iman.

sdgkan di smart, hanya mementingkan pendidikan dunia, smart tak mampu memberi pendidikan hati. bak kata ustazah amirah, smart banyak lagho.

insyaAllah kemy mampu mendidik diri kemy, menjadi y terbaik y kemy mampu.

kemy ingin menjadi sperti apa yang antum panggil kemy, nur kamilia , cahaya kesempurnaan.

doa2kan kemy agar berjaya berjuang dalam medan peperangan, berperang melwan hawa nafsu, berperang menuntut ilmu, berperang meneguhkan iman.
insyaAllah, amin


Friday, January 13, 2012

amali fii mustaqbal (an akuna ~~~~)

assalamualaikum n salam sjahtera.

slamat tahun baru? hmm.. noo.. im not going to wish that
bg kemy tahun baru dh lama berlalu..
yelah. dah masuk bulan safar punn...

so, haa... baca x tajuk tu? bagi sapa2 y blaja arab tau la maksud dia. simple je ayt tu..

'cita-cita pada masa hadapan (sy ingin jadi dotdotdot)'

oh. pasal citacita

apa cita cita korang..??

kalau kelas kemy ramai je y nk jadi tobib or tobibah or doktor



actually kemy ni masih dalam tiada cita-cita.
wait. jangan salah faham. eventhough xde cita-cita, x smestinya kemy ni xde hala tuju hidup or xde wawasan diri.

its just that, cita2 y kemy ada sbelum ni kemy rasa x sesuai dgn diri kemy. its just not myself.

kalau dulu slalu je hina org y xde citacita.
but now i understand them. huhu

dulu citacita kemy arkitek. kalau org tanye (mcm cikgu ke) citacita, kemy cakaplah arkitek. pastu diorang mesti kata 'eh awk reti ke lukis?' n... ok. they just dont trust me.

kemy reti je lukis. cuma imaginasi kemy or gambaran utk dlukis tu kena betul2 sharp, baru boleh kemy gambarkan di atas kertas.

tp, bila fikir2 balik, knp kemy nk jadi arkitek?
kemy x rasa kemy ada kebolehan menjadi arkitek.

bila fikir2, baru kemy tau knp kemy nk jadi arkitek. its just because ramai org jadi arkitek and i found it interesting.

but unfortunately, it doesnt suit me.

then, my mom told me that in a family there's suppose to be a doctor. which means she wants me to become a doctor. ok, kemy dulu pernah jugak cita2 jadi doktor... tapi?

i dont think i can adapt with the panic situation, with the blood2 thing, with the all the bedah and scapels and whatsoever.

nk tgk medictv pun kena sorok2.. (duhhh)

and hari ni and smalam, ada 2 cikgu total tanya pasal ambition.

y first tu sbb time sivik. kena buat wawasan diri. cita2.. vision.
y tu, haha. kemy dpt ilham dari buku bio kalau x silap

amali fii mustaqbal hiya VIROLOGIST!

cool x? haha... nk kaji virus tu.

cikgu tu mesti terkejut baca paper tu. (sbb kena tulis dlm paper n hantar huhu)

virologist? hmm.. not bad. kemy minat jugak benda2 gini.. y memerlukan xperiment.. ohh yeahh i love xperiments woohoo!!

then hari ni ustaz suruh perkenalkan diri and ckp citacita. kemy penat pulas otak nih. xkan nk ckp virologist dpn ustaz? oh... (negativ nye kemy ni. =,=')


'ismi ~~~~~... amali fi mustaqbal an akuna .... TOBIBAH!'

ok. doktor. tu adalah cita2 mak sy..

*sorry ustaz, sorry cikgu.. mianhae... aasiff... maafff.. huhuhu..*

so... what's my ambition?

skrang, kemy x tetapkan apa cita2 kemy.

tp kemy tetapkan apa minat kemy.

and kemy fikir which course y akan kemy listkan utk masuk u nnt..

mcm psychology, science computer, science marine mcm best jugak. haha.. y ni semua baru masuk dalam bidang minat kemy..

so, at least i have my interest, and i know what type of things that i want to do.

ok then..

that's all for today..


*lailan sa'id :)