Saturday, April 4, 2015

Duty or responsibility?

Assalam 'alaik and good day to everyone!

Regarding the tiltle, really what's the different between duty and responsibility?


I'll give you example to make it easy to understand. So you are a student studying away from home, so you are staying either in a hostel or you rent a house. Whichever it is, there will be time you are going home, curing your homesickness and feed the purse.
But then, is that it? Is that your only reason why you are going home? Really?
Oh well then too bad you're too shallow.

Should not you be helping your parents doing house chores taking care of your siblings and such? Should not you be listening to your parents problems and worries after the weeks and months you left them?
Should not you be the reason why your parents are smiling and feels like burdens are lifted from their shoulders even for a while when you are home? ---> this is what i call as responsibility.

Duty? I don't know. I just understand the word as giving your parents a part of your salary/allowance.

So think again. Do you go home to be a burden to your parents, or to lighten up their works?

Parents are not slaves. They do not do and make things for you.

You have grown up. You can stand on your own. Hence, do make things easier for your mother and father.

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