Monday, March 9, 2015

One of my dream

Assalamualaikum guys!

It was rainy just now in PJ so today is not a hot kind of day. But there was a situation that somehow managed to turn me boiling hot. It's okay. I know it's one of the tribulations He gave me.

So, being here studying in an Islamic college, I sort of have a tendency of studying religion, wait, not study religion (i do take religion study course), it's like more to getting into the deep of Islam.
Here in my college, it's normal to find out a student is a hafiz or hafizah. and I kind of get jealous of them. because they had the opportunity to memorize the amazing al-Quran. I mean, who wouldn't?

So yesterday I told my dear roommate, I know an effective way to memorize the Quran, and she asked how?


yeah and so we agreed to start memorizing juz 'amma, juz 30 since the sura in that juz are shorter and easy to memorize and in shaa Allah applicable easily in solah. the duration agreed for the memorizing is 3 weeks=1 month.

But we haven't think who is going to be the listener, to listen our tasmi' later. Nahh... we can find that person after this.

So, one of my dream here is to memorize the Quran by heart. I am so inspired by those who can simply extract a point from the Quran just like that to strengthen their arguement in a statement. And one of my ustaz really encourage us to memorize the Quran. He told us that he memorize the Holy Book only in 2 MONTHS! Imagine that!

and my another dream is also to memorize, but now is the 40 hadiths by Imam Nawawi with the syarah (explanations). It will be so awesome if I can achieve both dreams!

If a girl can dream, then I can make it a reality!

pray for me guys! :)

السلام عليك! 

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