Saturday, July 11, 2015



Assalam 'alaik and good evening all!

When I was still in school, we were taught on being punctual to our classes, especially when we have to change venue during class interchange. Almost every assembly, our teacher senior assistant would stress on sense of urgency, a sense where you need to be where you need to be on time. So it was normal to see students hurrying to their next venue, walking on fast pace to catch up the time.

However, things seems a bit different when I entered university. Every morning, or every time I'm going for classes, I have to feel annoyed on how slow people around me walking, especially those who is blocking my way. I mean, come on! Class starts in 10 minutes, how can you walk like you're taking a walk!

And last Wednesday, my committee and I had an event, a huge event in fact and it 'supposedly' starts at 6pm. However, apart from because of the slow working committee arranging the hall and other stuff, we had to wait for like HALF AN HOUR for the VIP to come so we can start. And I was one of the MC that evening so I was so on my nerve because I was anxious enough and the late start wasn't helping!

And the VIPs was the university's lecturers itself!

So I can't help thinking, why do they expect students to come early for classes, and lock the door once they started their lecture when they CAN'T EVEN BE PUNCTUAL for this huge event?

To me, it is already embarrassing enough that they came late, with all students inside 'take example' of their tardiness. How nice.

This is an Islamic university. A university where Islam is preaches, whether among students or workers. And by preaching and practicing Islam doesn't exclude time management.

There is a saying in arabic, where it means "time is like sword, if you don't cut it, it will cut you".
This shows that if you don't try to make full of your time, then you will lose it and realize that your time has cut through your wasted energy.

Maybe the VIPs were late for some reason. But they should at least say sorry for their tardiness. Being a VIP doesn't mean you can control the show.

So brothers and sisters, BE PUNCTUAL !

والعصر! إن الإنسان لفي خسر.
-By time, indeed mankind is in loss (Sahih International)

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