بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Hey guys! Salam 'Alayk!
So as you can see, I've changed my blog address, and my blog title. Before it was 'dalammindaseorangremaja' for both but I think now things have changed and I myself have changed (and no longer a teenager hah so old), so I decided to change things a little bit, and will continue to do bits by bits in the future.
Hence the title Slow Rebuild/Restructure, because I'm going to change things for this dusty pinky blog. *ugh so pink!
Just got some ideas and few things for this blog from another famous blogs, which I can never compare with. But why not I start now for a serious blogging? *ANOTHER BLUFF ALERT!
And... As you can see, I didn't post any Arabic posts, or essays as promised before. I believed it's 5 weeks already since the 'promised post'? IT'S NOT INTENTIONAL SERIOUSLY!
I had (and have) so many works to do, and I did like 3-4 arabic assignments so I was like 'this would cover my promised-blog-post and its in pages!' therefore I didn't do my essays because of that and restricted time.
Now? OH BIG NO! I so many hafazan to do, a presentation this Friday, notes, and studies for the upcoming exams, it's crazy! (hence my blog title 'Of Self and Crazy Life). Because I'm just good at doing crazy things. *sigh
I'll try my best to update as frequent as I eat , and wish me luck for my crazy attitude and upcoming exams (and hafazan and presentations and notes and crazy life)
Till next time,