Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holiday time! *with mountain of homework... =,='

Assalamualaikum and hye! <3

yes! holiday! here i come!!! *like i can run to the holiday... =,='

mentang2 holiday, sdp2 la yekk nk update blog.. huhu... tp sdp gak ekk.. :P
tp sesedap mane pon, mcm y tertera tajuk di ats, with mountain of homework... what a lucky me~~~
ye lah kan... org lain ade y susah x dpt skolah.. kite y dpt homwork belambak suppose to bersyukur.. ALHAMDULILLAH!!!

cuma satu je y Kemy mcm... erkk... ye la.. bulan 2 dh exam.. *kan kan??? tp subject agama baru belajar satu bab.. mmg la boleh belajar sendiri... tp homework y terlampau byk menyekatkan niat plus hasrat nk blajar agama.. hohoho... xpe2.. cuti ade.. :D

hehe... nasib baik kan Kemy x kluar pandu thn ni.. :D sbb, pandu thn ni, *stelah diketuai oleh kak Ily comell~~ hehe* aktif la... hehe.. boleh la kutep sijil tepi jalan yekk,, :D

thn ni Kemy mcm x sng hati dgn budak form 1... mungkin salah Kemy, mungkin mereka y over... but i dont want to blame anyone.. its just that, Kemy x nk la budak form thn ni gedik or what so ever. sbb Kemy takot nnt Kemy y terband mereka or budak form 2 y buat. sbb seorang shbt Kemy y terbaik nih pernah mengalami even dia tu baik je.. haihhh.. Kemy x boleh nk tegur... sbb i dont hve alasan y kukuh.. *ngarot kan Kemy nih??? huhuhu

btw, i hope y form 1 thn ni ambik alih sgala pertandingan kawad thn ni.. my foot cant handle this anymore.. *cehh.. over hang eh Kemy? kak Ily tuh rileks je kwd n menjerit sakit tekak... huhuhu

oklah.... Kemy nk out..
Assalamualaikum.. :D

Saturday, January 15, 2011



The topic of the post 'school' because my head is dizzy and full of school program. Yes! The teachers are busy, and so the students, especially SPM and PMR candidates, and that would be me.

Right now, I have about thousand of homework, and school project. And I was thinking, am I able to cope this entire thing, with the 1 student 1 game, I would be very busy. And I have to take all the opportunity that can help my curriculum and academic. This may tense me.

Ok. I know that all this was made just to make me, no, just to make the students more educated, and has a bright future. So, I just have to follow the stream to make me one of the most successful people in the world. InsyaAllah

I might not going to read novels this year, seems like I don’t have the time. Even though I miss it very much, and my eyes might stuck when I read the novel back again, in fast mood.

My territory maybe bored, with all the nonsense stuff that I’ve been writing for. And I just boring, and I don’t have the idea.

Just cant wait the exam and the pattern of the result.

Sorry if this post annoyed you.

Let it Last, But Don’t Let it GO!

Friday, January 14, 2011

new sheet~~~

Assalamualaikum~~~ :D

since the school open again (can i run from pmr?), and im in form 3, which is the second most stress form ever, so i think i want to release it by blogging here and here, and HERE!!

im not going to write diary in this blog, b'cause its just too public for me. i just going to write anything that i want to.

and thanks, for reading my blog~~

let it pass away