Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparatively Successful

Salam and hi guys!

It is currently raining heavily at where I'm at right now, and there's something that I want to share about, which has been hovering inside my mind for a few days now. Well, more like a week.

So about few months ago, we were 'viralled' with news of a UUM graduate graduating with  3.99  and hence awarded with Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja (Royal Education Award?). Not only that, the course that she was majoring was pretty new at the time, Bachelor of Law, Philosophy, and Business, and from I've read, this course is pretty difficult, I mean combining law, philosophy, and business? Whose idea is that?

Well it's not just her. My fellow highschool mate was also awarded with the same award, and she also got straight A+ for her SPM. And also all other successful, genius, and amazing stories which always got me thinking, why can't I do that?

Why I can't be like them? Why am I not as excellent in my academic or any other area that I can be heavily proud of?

Once back in school, my senior teacher assistant told us during the assembly the story of the youngest writer in Malaysia that debuted her novel in her teen. My thought back then was, why was it wasn't me? I mean I write stories too, I even write Malay poetry back in school. Why I didn't get any of my work published and have something that I can tell? Something that add value to my self worth?

I don't know if it's just me or there are other people who compares themselves with other people's achievements. Like why can't I be the one?

Until one day my economics lecturer said, rephrased, it is normal for students to fail, or to not get what they want or to achieve their target, you may target A+ for this subject but you might end up with a B instead. These things are normal. It is the hardship of a student that you will have to face.

What she said, has hit me in a way.

She made me realised that, I deserve everything that I have received. And in another thought, I also realised that everyone has different capabilities; different speed at learning, different method of studying, different mental capabilities, everyone is just different. And my difference is what God has given me. The UUM graduate's exceptional academic excellence is what God has given her through her mental capability.

I just have to be grateful with what I have, and acknowledge what is it about me that makes me different from everyone else. I need to believe that I am outstanding in a way, and continuously work to that. Improve and work at my own pace, as long as I'm improving, I am doing it right.

It is unhealthy to comparing ourselves success' and others' success. Everyone leads different life, with different background, different mentality, different support system, and so much more. Although that comparative thought often occur to me unconsciously, as soon as I'm putting down myself in that comparative thought, I need to take a break and count my blessings and be grateful.

I need to teach myself that instead of being negative and comparing my success and others' successes, I should be happy for them, learn from them, and be grateful instead. This way I can lead a happier life while improving it along the way.

I've seen that people on Twitter are quoting the tweet that asks 'what's your toxic trait?' and directly answer the question. I don't like the way people are anwering the question, but here I'm gonna put my answer and it is to constantly comparing myself with people that are known for their early successes, and now I'm going to train myself to not do so anymore, and be happier for people and myself instead.

It is time to really lead a positive life, and rocketing to infinity.

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