Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Current state of mind

Assalam 'alayk and good day guys!

It's been a fairly good semester and I've been enjoying myself with busy days and overdue notes, so yeah. It's great!

No no I'm not being sarcastic! Seriously I feel like I am happy right now, I have no major issues to deal with, non of that overdramatic events to make my life miserable, just everyday things that always kept my life cluttering. huhu

It's a normal thing, right? I mean, no one could ever possibly have that joyous feelings till eternity that it reaches the 7th heaven, unless he/she is crazy. Everyone have their own problems, and that problems are what make life beautiful, and unique. 

It's just that, rather than stressing my brain over endless issues, my brain just can't stop thinking over factless things, or it gets curious over random things.

Like, do fate really get twisted with two persons who are not supposed to meet but just got themselves entwined? Or does human eye perceive lights as rays/wave or its the light particles that hit the eye?

Reaaaally random.

Plus with all those annoying irritating hot issues on socmed, particularly twitter on child marriage, LGBTQ+ (I still don't get what that Q and + stand for), laundrette cases, manners, and so on. I even got myself caught in an argument with a stranger on child marriage. ... I really hate it when a person virals a statement that he/she disagree with. It's just, childish. You want to argue/debate, then use your rational not your emotion. #sigh

BTW, I am totally hooked on water colouring! It is comforting, my form of healing. Especially the wet on wet technique, I just pat on some colour and let the water nature work on it. Just beautiful and wonderful! My works all caught on skies, nature, and galaxies. Because that are what work best with wet on wet technique, I can use trains of colours and voila!- a new eye-catching art has done.

Anyway, I just uninstalled Instagram on my phone, because I found it distracting. Not only in the form of constantly-looking-at-my-phone, but also in the form attention-seeking. Attention seeking is not healthy, and I think I'm at the bridge of entering that zone. So, gotta calm myself and go back with the real world. #andalsoavoidingthatcertainsomeone

Have a nice day, and may Allah bless us all!

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