Monday, April 8, 2019

Little Forest 2018 (Korean Movie)

Salam 'Alayk and hey guys!

So right now I want to share with you guys about Little Forest!

Little Forest is a 2018 korean movie that is relaxing, no-conflict, with nature vibe and aesthetic! I love the cinematography, how they portray the whole movie with that soft green nature vibe. It gave me the feeling of calm and makes me suddenly want to go have a garden for myself.

This is Wiki's synopsis on Little Forest:

The story of a young woman who returns to her childhood home, in a traditional Korean village, after leaving for the big city in pursuit of what turned out to be an elusive dream. When she gets home, her mother isn't there - but her mother's "Little Forest", the many ways in which a single mother successfully made a home for her much loved child, unfurl with a long succession of lovingly sketched details involving mostly food preparation.
The unfurling moments are lightly but lovingly shared with two childhood friends, one of whom also abandoned their elusive dream of success in the big city (Seoul) and the other who is still pursuing the small town equivalent of that elusive dream -- without ever leaving home.

Well the movie doesn't really say about the mother, where she gone to, is she dead or what. But it really focuses on the young woman, Hye Won (by Lee Tae Ri), how she lead her life at her home, while actually running away from her reality.

I know it said about cooking preparation. Yes the movie does show how Hye Won uniquely prepares her food, her sentimental elements on the food she made with memories of her mother, and mostly of Korean traditional food (at least I think it is). But the movie also show how she went to her friend's apple orchard, her own garden, how she made food with vegetables and fruits fresh from her yard. It is just awesome.

And from that part itself, it just shows that nature, trees, there are so much things we can do with them when give to them. You know like the phrase that says if you give to nature, the nature will gives you back (not exactly the words, but that's basically what it means). The nature vibe from this movie, it... it really fits its title, Little Forest.

It's like you have your own little forest. The place you seek tranquility, peace whenever you feel troubled. Or when you're having writer's block, or when you need some inspiration, this little forest is where you'll go to clean up you head and take a deep breath and have a new perspective. It's just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (which just means amazing, but IT IS AMAZING!)!

After watching this movie, what I had in my head for a whole week was to own an orchard, grow my own food, and open to neighbours and friends and family for self-pick their desired food (and pay by weight). Sounds great. Sound like I could really make it real. #butrealitycheck

Either way, this movie is a must for those who are searching for #goodvibe movie, trying to relax and chill with the loved ones. PLUS, Little Forest won top 11 films from 38th Korean Association of Film Critics Award! Very impressive!

So now go head up to Youtube and search for this movie (yes it's there)! I know I don't tell much what this movie is all about, but I can't spoil the storyline! You have to watch it yourself.

Little Forest, definitely my new favourite movie of a whole new genre.

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