Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why you gotta be so rude? - Rude by Magic! review

Assalamualaikum, peace be upon you all my friends!

It has been a while, and today I would like to share my thought and review on the latest hit song by a new canadian group, Magic ; Rude!

The song, I can't deny that it's very catchy and like a candy to my ear. The first time I heard this song through a local radio station, I was like 'wow! what song is this?' Not long later I managed to figure the title and the singer.

Long story short, after I read the lyric I was surprised that this song was meant for the father of 'his' girlfriend.

So, what I'm going to share here is, how this song could influence us in our lives, well particularly on how we communicate with the elderly.

Please read the second stanza of the song ;

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

In this stanza, there is really nothing wrong with it. Instead, it shows a good attitude of a gentleman asking the girl's father permission to marry her. In Islam too, we have wali, where it is the female's male representative, normally the father when she wants to get married, or being asked for a marriage (if you know what I mean). So basically, I got no problem with this stanza.

However, the chorus ; 

Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway

This part is where I really start to dislike this song. Why? Read the chorus pals! He said to the father 'why you gotta be so rude?' Well, seriously who is being rude here? You asked for his blessing then you cannot simply accused him being rude just because he doesn't like you! 
Yes! He is human! We all know that. He said that to point out that he also has basic needs; which is marriage. But then, he should reflect himself, why the father detested him?
My point here is, just because this song is catchy and you know the lyric, don't let this song influence you! No matter how angry, mad and unfair you feel towards the elderly, NEVER say something that is rude, that could hurt the feelings, and NEVER DISRESPECT THEM! They are older than you.

And of course, everyone's favourite part ; 

Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so

Yup! He's gonna marry the girl anyway. But don't apply this in your life. There are reasons why the father doesn't/didn't allow them. Like all other parents, I'm sure he only wants the best for his daughter, and he wants only the right man, the one that he believes can take good care of his daughter, can lover her regardless of her flaws, can guide her throughout this life, and most of all the one that can accept her family and respect her parents to marry her. 
Do you think if they simply get married without the father blessings they will be happy? Love, doesn't do things right. Except if it is love of Allah, and love because of Allah.
If they do get married, they are being disrespectful to the father, and the family.

So, do you think this song really gives positive vibes to you?
Read again. Think again.

We have Islam. We have our culture. Don't simply let the western (and local too) entertainment ruin, destroy the culture that we have been proud of.

Never let your guard down.

As in Malay, we would say "Kita kena ada jati diri". Hold unto Islam identity, insyaAllah the best thing would happen in your life! (Including your future marriage!)

I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone's feelings. Like the title of my blog 'In A Mind Of A Teenager', this is only my opinion, as my brain never stop working thinking about things unrelated to my studies. *sigh

Assalamualaikum and have good day

Friday, June 27, 2014

Real learning experience

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.

It's been awhile now, and now i have the time and the opportunity to update my blog.

Maybe some of you already know, or maybe not. Now I am studying at Centre For Foundation Studies of International Islamic University Malaysia or CFS IIUM.

Course? Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage. Don't know what is IRK? go google it by yourself. im not going to tell you everything.

so its been three weeks here in PJ, with two weeks of classes.

the things is that, most of my classes are language classes, that are English class and Arabic class.
i dont really mindf about english class since my english is not that bad, but arabic class, oh goodness.

both my lecturers talk and explain in arabic! only sometimes they use english or malay words since they are both foreigners. but still!
I am having a hard time to translate what they are saying and really really struggling to cope with this particular subject.

so here, eventhough i learnt arabic throughout my secondary school years, its still not enough. why? because at school the ustaz ustazah dont speak arabic, you dont speak arabic even if you learn them in class. we learn arabic but in malay. you used arabic but not practically.

so here, we really use arab language in class. we talk in arab ( well aside from talking with friends ), we learn how to read how to write in arabic.
even theres arabic debate club here!

maybe i can do this. i can struggle and do my best for my arab language, since my course subjects are in arabic.

and thanks to perri for giving me the spirit to keep up my pace in learning arabic even though it is to tiring. glad to have a sis like you .

thats all i think.
goodnight and assalam

Sunday, April 6, 2014

ان الله معي، Sesungguhnya Allah Bersama Aku


Kelmarin, Kemy ditimpa ujian yang agak berat bagi Kemy, sampai rasa sebak dan tak tertanggung.
Rasanya seperti hati diperah-perah, ditoreh-toreh macam Kemy ni manusia berhati batu dan tak ada perasaan.
Sampaikan Kemy hampir putus asa, hampir lupa dengan Allah, yang Allah berikan ujian tu dekat Kemy bersebab.
Seolah-olah Kemy menyalahkan takdir yang Allah tetapkan dekat Kemy, macam Kemy dah tak percaya dengan Allah.

Allah je tahu betapa Kemy putus harapan masa tu.

Kemudian ditakdirkan Allah juga, lepas dah rasa lega dan lapang sikit, Kemy buka Facebook (masa tengah putus harapan iman pun down sikit).
Sedang Kemy scroll down, ada status seorang sahabat alam maya menyentak Kemy.

Saat je Kemy baca ayat "Kau Yakinlah Allah sentiasa ada di sisi", Kemy mula rasa sebak kembali.
Bayangkan, Kemy baru je macam putus harapan, tiba-tiba Allah berikan comfort, seolah-olah nak pujuk Kemy kembali.

Kemy dah tak boleh sambung baca ayat tu. Dah terlalu sebak.

Kemy dah putus harapan dekat Allah, tapi Allah masih dekat, masih sayang dekat Kemy.

Allahuakbar. Masa tu juga Kemy menyesal berputus asa, menyesal berputus harap dengan Allah.

Jangan bersedih, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kami.

Betapa rasa berdosanya Kemy sebab menyalahkan takdir.

Allahu, yaAllah ampunilah aku.

Kesimpulan yang Kemy nak kongsikan, walaupun seberat mana ujian, seberat mana dugaan Allah timpakan kita, INGAT, YAKIN, Allah sentiasa bersama kita.

Ada hikmah setiap perkara yang Allah timpa kepada kita.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Calling for prayer ; a productive email from Productivemuslim

Assalamu'alaikum Nur

One of the beautiful aspects of our religion is the daily reminder to prayer that we hear in the form of the athan.

This beautiful call to prayer is a reminder of our daily appointment with Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala). It also embeds a key understanding of productivity that I want to share with you:
Each day, we hear the mu'athin (Caller to Prayer) say "Come to prayer, Come to success". He is reminding us that true success is from Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) and that we should seek it only from Him. Yet we think that true success comes from those extra few minutes we'll continue working whilst we ignore the mu'athin.

Imam Hasan Al-Basri has a beautiful quotation on this point. He says:

"If your prayers don't mean much to you, then what's more important in your life? As much as you take care of your prayers, your life will be taken care of. Didn't you know that prayer was coupled with success? "Come to prayer, come to success". So how do you ask God for success when you are not responding to His right upon you?"

I hope that next time you hear the athan, you'll drop everything and go seek success!

Friday, February 28, 2014


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah dan salam sejahtera :)

Mesti ada yang terfikir, kenapa Kemy buat tajuk sekolah, sedangkan Kemy dah pun habis sekolah. Tunggu keputusan je sekarang. InsyaAllah dapat keputusan cemerlang :)

Sebenarnya, Kemy rindu sangat dekat sekolah. Macam mana boleh rindukan sekolah?

Apa yang Kemy rindu bukanlah mengenai kokurikulum atau kokorikulum, malah tak berkaitan pun. Kemy rindukan pengisian di sekolah Kemy, SMART. Namanya pun cukup gah bagi Kemy.

Bagi Kemy SMART ni sangat istimewa. Mungkin bagi orang lain SMART ni biasa-biasa saja, sebab Kemy pun tak tahu tentang kehebatan sekolah sekolah lain. Setiap sekolah mesti ada keistimewaannya sendirikan? :)

Apa yang istimewa sangat tentang SMART ni?

Sepanjang lima tahun Kemy bersekolah di SMART, Kemy berpendapat sekolah ini sangat mementingkan kerohanian. Banyak program program agama atau kerohanian dijalankan di sekolah. Malah, Kemy masih ingat, masa Kemy di tingkatan 2, JAIP (jabatan Agama Islam Pahang) ada datang buat ceramah, dari pagi sampai habis sekolah. Kalau nak kira kelas Kemy tak terlibat pun dengan ceramah tu. Tapi, disebabkan hari tu memang banyak cikgu Kemy tak ada, jadi ramailah rakan2 kelas Kemy ikut dengar ceramah tu.

Ya Allah, ceramah tu sangat menginsafkan. Tak ada tajuk khusus pun kalau tak silap Kemy. Penceramah tu pandai menyentuh hati dan perasaan kami semua, sampai ramai yang menitiskan air mata, atau dalam bahasa Kemy nangis selok haha sebab rasa insaf sangat, rasa takut sangat dengan Allah. Masa tu memang tak rasa segan langsung nak menangis. Yalah, bukankah di akhirat nanti air mata keinsafan itu akan membela kita insyaAllah?

Kemudian, di SMART juga Kemy dapat tarbiah secara tidak langsung melalui shabat sahabat Kemy dan guru guru. Bukanlah macam usrah atau apa, tapi mereka selalu mengingatkan walau apa pun yang berlaku sentiasa berdoa dan bergantung kepada Allah. Yalah, sekolah SMART bukan sekolah agama, cuma alhamdulillah Kemy duduk di kelas aliran agama.

Lepas itu, Kemy masa sekolah dulu kelas selalu berderet sampai petang kecuali hari Isnin dan Jumaat dari tingkatan 1 lagi. Dan Kemy rasa bersyukur sangat sebab surau di SMART sentiasa hidup dengan solat berjemaah oleh pelajar asrama atau pelajar yang ada kelas macam kelas Kemy. Jadi, setiap kali azan Zohor dan Asar (Zohor tak berpeluang sangat sebab masa tu masih dalam waktu sekolah, tapi kadang2 minta izin dari cikgu), Kemy sentiasa berpeluang untuk solat berjemaah bersama pelajar dan guru yang lain. Yang paling best, masa pelajar maahad yang jadi Imam, ataupun pelajar aliran agama yang jadi imam. MasyaAllah, memang sedap sungguh dengar mereka mengimami solat, walaupun setakat beri takbir, lain tau aura dia. Kemy dengan kawan kawan Kemy selalu teruja tentang siapa imamnya, sampai melebih pula kadang2 huhu.

Kemudian, perkara yang paling Kemy rindu sekali di sekolah SMART, ustaz Aziz dan ustazah Rohana. Sungguh, rindu betul. Sebab masa tahun tahun terakhir di SMART, ustaz Aziz dan ustazah Rohana lah yang paling banyak memberi nasihat dan semangat untuk kami sekelas. Mungkin sebab kamilah peneraju kelas aliran sains agama, jadi kami lebih rapat dengan ustaz dan ustazah.

Ustaz Aziz, selalu bergurau dalam kelas. Rapat sangat dengan budak lelaki. Selalu bagi nasihat tentang jodoh untuk masa hadapan, terutama pada kami perempuan supaya mencari lelaki yang soleh dan tak merokok. Ustaz selalu juga yang 'menganjurkan' jamuan kelas nasi arab dekat surau. Sampai habis semua orang kekenyangan sampai esok harinya. Ustaz selalu juga bercerita tentang kisah2 pelajar lain, supaya kami ambil iktibar. Kemudian, semua soalan berkaitan agama kami tanya kepada ustaz, lepas tu ustaz akan jawab sampai kami puas, atau ustaz rujuk kitab2 ustaz. Seronok juga sebab ustaz selalu bagi kami tengok kitab kitab ustaz, lepas tu ingat lagi ustaz bagi contoh 'pen' khat tradisional iaitu kayu yang dah diasah dan dipotong. Tulisan ustaz dekat papan putih, masyaAllah cantik! Ustaz selalu praktis khat dengan papan putih, cantiknya sampai kami tak rasa susah nak salin tulisan jawi. Banyak lagi yang telah ustaz kongsikan bersama, tapi tak akan cukup untuk ditulis di sini.

Ustazah Rohana pula, yang ajar Arab masa di tingkatan 5. Kelakar juga, sebab ustazah selalu pening kepala macam mana nak ajar kami semua, sebab POV kami teruk! Tak terlintas di hati ustazah yang kami ni sangat teruk Arabnya sebab tahun itulah kami nak hadap SPM. Ustazah banyak berkorban untuk kami, ustazahlah yang mengorbankan masa dan jiwa raga untuk bagi kami betul betul dapat apa yang diajar dari tingkatan 1 sampai 5. Ustazah juga, yang selalu bagi nasihat dan semangat supaya berusaha bersungguh sungguh walaupun harapan macam tipis je untuk sesetengah pelajar kelas Kemy. Hal-hal mengenai perasaan selalu dikongsikan dengan ustazah, ustazahlah kaunselor terbaik! Mungkin ustazah tak perasan, tapi ustazah selalu mencetuskan semangat dalam diri Kemy, ustazah yang selalu memberi kaunseling mengenai akhirat.

Cikgu-cikgu lain pun selalu juga bantu kami. Cikgu Khaizan, cikgu Faridah, teacher Faith, cikgu Hasnah, dan cikgu cikgu lain selalu bagi nasihat supaya sentiasa mengecapi kejayaan. Tapi yang paling seronok, cikgu cikgu semua beri kepercayaan yang tak terhingga dekat kami sekelas sampai kami jawab peperiksaan tanpa pengawasan guru. Kami hargai kepercayaan itu :)

Jadi, sekarang bila dah tamat sekolah, rasa rindu semua itu. Bila ada perseoalan tentang agama atau Arab, tak ada ustaz atau ustazah nak ditanya. Ustaz dan uztazah selalu sabar jawab soalan kami yang pelik2, sampai terfikir Kemy bila dah sambung pelajaran nanti boleh jumpa lagi ke mualim dan mualimah mcm ustaz dan ustazah? Hmm..

SMART, bukan sekolah yang Kemy rindu, tapi apa yang ada di sekolah itu yang mencetuskan kerinduan ini. Mungkin ini bukan sekolah yang terbaik, tapi cukup terbaik sampai menjadikan Kemy hari ini.

Kepada Allah saja Kemy meluahkan kerinduan, Kemy harap sangat kelas aliran sains tulen agama dikekalkan di SMART, dan pelajar2nya sentiasa pandai menjaga diri dan sekolah, sentiasa beradab dan menghormati guru, sentiasa menjadi legend untuk generasi yang seterusnya.

Sampai sini sahaja coretan Kemy, sampai bertemu lagi.

:), assalamualaikum 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Oggling and fangirling

Assalamualaikum and greetings :)

So, as I keep checking my facebook and twitter, I noticed that now more people are alert about what Allah said in alQuran "good guys for good women" or you can check the exact sentence in surah an'Nur, but I can't remember which verse.

It's a good thing, of course and most of my acquaintances (my friends already realized this alhamdulillah) start to look for 'possible' future-husband or characteristics that they think are necessary in men.

And yes, if we want to look for soleh/solehah husband/wife, we need to change ourselves first as what we would want to find in future husband to be inside of ourselves *somehow i think this sentence is weird grammatically*. People starts to realize this too, and I also noticed some of them trying so hard to change for the best.

What worry me is that, not much people concern about lowering our gaze. Maybe some of them thought its hard to communicate if we couldn't make eye contacts, but there's rukhsah in that. Lowering our gaze is compulsory so there won't be any fitnah physically or spiritually (haram feelings/thoughts).

I don't know about anyone else, but it irked me so much when men don't respect me as to lower their gaze or try not to brush each other. God, sometimes I feel like killing those men, not just teenager boys, but also middle aged men! Im not saying that male likes my looks, but sometimes they just look at you.

Okay, back to the topic. This post is more to girls' side.

So, when I said to lower our gaze, doesn't mean it only applies to 'living guys'. With the k-pop revolution, and the western pop stars, and local actors, Im 100% positive that most girls do oggling and fangirling as a part of their hobbies *and was a part of mine huhu*. I mean like, with by just looking at pictures, or watch their random acts, we(girls) would giggle and roam their bodies *I know disgusting* with our eyes without feeling slightly guilty and all, doesn't that mean we just violated the rule lowering our gaze?

How can oggling and fangirling can be inappropriate and sinful?

Well, when you look at someone that catches your interest, you will start thinking of scenes of pictures or whatsoever that could be nearly as inappropriate as possible without you noticing. Oh come on! Most girls do this to their 'idols'. Okay maybe some not.

Remember about soleh guys only for solehah girls? This could be into details you know, about being soleh and solehah.

So if you like to look at handsome guys, watching their acts, learn their attitude and personality, can you even imagine your future spouse being like that, looking at some random girls with full interest? OF COURSE NO!

Yes, it hit on me like that too when I first realized it because I once liked to stare at good looking guys *pictures only*.

Because, what quality we actually want in our future lifetime partner is the exact quality we need to find in ourselve. It's not that hard to understand now, isn't?

P/s : sometimes I blushed myself whenever I looked into male's pictures
P/p/s : i google the meaning of oggling and found that the meaning is far from what i want it to be meant, but i already wrote this post huhu

I don't mean to insult girls who likes to fangirl over selebrity, this is more to advicing those around me and to myself.

Till then, insyaAllah assalamualaikum :)

Friday, February 21, 2014


Assalamualaikum, dan selamat sejahtera :)

Kemy tak tahulah ni perkara yang normal atau tak.

Kemy perasan, kalau orang lain macam senang sangat nak outing, nak keluar pergi bandar, nak pergi rumah kawan, senang cerita nak keluar rumahlah.

Macam, cakap je bila dan dekat mana, hah, terus boleh pergi.

Kalau Kemy, nak keluar tu kena rancang awal-awal, like betul-betul awal. Tu pun belum tentu boleh keluar.

Kalau nak keluar rumah tu, kena fikir macam-macam. Mak ayah bagi tak nak keluar, ayah free tak nak tolong hantar dan ambil, dah banyak kali keluar ke, house chores. Banyak benda kena consider sebelum keluar.

Kalau semua persoalan tu dah lepas pun, Kemy rasa tak sedap hati juga nak keluar. Yelah, Kemy bukan jenis yang keluar nak lepak-lepak macam tu. Kalau nak keluar tu mesti bersebab. Lepas tu kadang-kadang fikir juga, mak ayah memang betul-betul bagi ke nak keluar? Sebab kalau fikir balik, kalau Kemy keluar mesti macam tak ada orang dekat rumah.

Sebelum ni Kemy keluar pun bila ada kelas hari Sabtu. Bila kelas habis keluar dengan kawan-kawan, sebab alang-alang dah keluar rumah. Tu pun kena fikir juga siapa nak ambil nanti.

Jadi, bila tengok orang lain ni, yang sebaya atau lagi muda dari Kemy lah,  mudah je nak lepak dengan kawan-kawan Kemy rasa macam mereka ni memang mak ayah tak kisah ke keluar macam tu je?

Tak pun, ada juga yang Kemy perasan, sesetengah tu buat mak ayaha macam drebar, y bawa diorang ke sana ke sini. Mungkin mak ayah tu rela, tapi tak ke tu macam mempergunakan ibu bapa?

Mungkin Kemy je yang macam ni. Sebab orang sekeliling Kemy macam tak pernah sebut pasal masalah ni, kecuali Sapphire Flower.

Tapi, Kemy tak adalah sampai nak merungut dan rasa tidak adil.

In fact, Kemy rasa lebih selamat macam ni, lebih terjaga. Sebab setiap tingkah laku Kemy, mak ayah atau kakak-kakak Kemy tahu dan nampak. Kalau ada yang salah mereka boleh tegur. Dan alhamdulillah, Kemy bukanlah jenis yang bermasalah sosial atau terlalu mengikut dengan arus remaja sekarang. Dan Kemy rasa bertanggungjawab, sebab sebelum keluar Kemy akan fikir dulu jika ada apa-apa perkara yang belum diselesaikan Kemy dalam rumah. Maknanya Kemy tak nak keluar dari rumah dengan adanya perkara yang belum disiapkan dalam rumah. Tak naklah menyusahkan orang lain.

Mungkin bagi orang lain Kemy ni skema, anak mak, anti sosial. Peduli apa. Kemy tak kisah. Asalkan Kemy tahu apa yang Kemy nak buat dan tak bersalahan dalam Islam.

Kalau asyik fikir pandangan orang lain dalam setiap genap kehidupan baik jadi hamba abdi saja. Kemy hidup untuk Kemy, bukan untuk orang lain.

Pernah juga ada seorang kawan lama Kemy ni ajak jumpa keluar, tapi selalu berkebetulan Kemy memang tak boleh keluar masa tu. Kemy tak tahulah dia fikir apa, boleh jadi dia fikir yang Kemy memang tak nak jumpa dia. Tapi, tolonglah, tolonglah faham situasi orang lain.
Bukan semua orang hidup dengan cara yang sama seperti kita hidup.

Kesimpulannya, Kemy buat rumusan yang kehidupan Kemy ni dalam golongan yang terjaga atau high class dalam masyarakat. Mungkin ada yang salah faham istilah high class, bagi Kemy maksudnya Kemy bukan seperti majoriti masyarakat sekarang, lebih mementingkan kehidupan bersosial dari kehidupan bermartabat.

Maruah diri adalah tanggungjawab sendiri untuk dijaga.

Sekian, kalau ada yang tersalah silap, atau ada yang tersinggung, maafkan Kemy, Kemy tak bertujuan untuk berbuat begitu. Hanya ingin meluahkan apa yang terpendam.

Assalamualaikum :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Things on my Small Mind

Assalamualikum and greetings.

Im not going to repeat the sentence 'its been a while blablabla' so..... Cliché.

Really,  to be honest, i've got lots and lots of things I want to write and discuss in this so-not-precious blog, but,  I just couldn't find the mood to type/write (this mood right now isnt a real mood since its not an important post) and I just need that mood or something to switch on my writing mode.

Oh Allah please, please, please make me more intro a diligent person so I can satisfy people who subscribe my blog/stories. Uhuhuhu

It has been a week since I got all the ideas and topics that I am really eager to spill out since my friends not here to debate with me  (i know writing in blog wont make someone into debating with me but hey at least I get to get things out of my head) but sometimes Allah just doesnt want me to write yet. Hehe

I mean, things like family things, friends things, clashing facts, no laptop and such (so many excuses) get me in the way from writing.

I still remember during primary school I was so good at writing (in Bhs Mlaysia of course) that I always got 90 and above for every exam (only on year 6). I even write short stories (cerpen) and poems and showed them to my teacher ( just to feel proud hehe) and yeah, one of the story was a really sad one I still remember the storyline up until now.

My mind still worked when the stress level up a bit 2 years later, I even wrote poems during exams just to kill some time on that exact exam paper. Hah. I was so lucky non of the teachers noticed all the   immature thoughts.  Or thats what I thought.

Anyway, *sigh* my skill just deteriorated and all I can write is dull stories and cant work my brain anymore over poems. I've lost my special ability. Huhuhuhu

And, one of the effect is that I no longer update my blog as frequent as I should (even though I do enjoy it), my spirits just changed. Alah, people change. What can I do? Its nature.

Oooh wow. Just when I thought I will only write short post just to give so-called teaser to my lovely readers and just to tell Im still alive and fine thank you, I wrote a very long (long indeed for a lazy person like me) entry and this proved how much I really love writings. Or so. Hm.

Anyway, I cant promise on when and what I'll be writing for the next post. That will depend on my mood (and if ada rezeki lol).

Forgive my ramblings, please, I rarely blabber about myself for public view.

Thats it, i think. Buibui, assalamualaikum. :)